5 Zodiac Signs That Outsmart Anyone

So which zodiac sign is most likely to outsmart others with their intelligence?


Although Virgos already know a lot, they are constantly learning. You will be surprised to know how often their attention to detail can make a difference.

They are alert and analytical. If they want to outsmart you, they will prepare everything in advance. This zodiac sign is known as one of the most brilliant people in astrology, so don’t underestimate it. If they want to outsmart you and get their way, they will.

2. Aquarius

Aquarians are known for their creative intelligence, they see answers and solutions that other people miss. They can remain calm when the going gets tough and remain impassive. They will not take things personally and will continue to focus on achieving their goals.

Aquarians are unpredictable, so it is difficult to know what they are going to do next. When they strike, it is not only unexpected, but far-reaching.

3. Capricorn

Capricorns have many wonderful qualities – wisdom, patience and hard work. That’s why it’s easy to forget how smart they are. If Capricorn wants to outsmart someone, he will play a long game, especially if it has something to do with their work.

They don’t need immediate rewards if they know they will ultimately come out victorious. Capricorns will gain trust so that by the time they are ready to strike, no one will see it.

4. Sagittarius

All you have to do is talk to Sagittarius to understand his talent. They tend to be very straightforward, have a good understanding of what is right and what is wrong, and are very confident in themselves.

If someone threatens their confidence, Sagittarius may feel the need to prove their intellectual ability. That such a charming and friendly person is also a genius can come as a shock. If they want to outsmart you, a Sagittarius can do it without even breaking a sweat.

5. Gemini

Like Sagittarius, Gemini is great at communicating and extremely intelligent. They are smart and quick-witted, and quickly, without much effort on their part, will outwit anyone.

Gemini knows the right questions to ask, they are so cute that it is easy for them to lull their opponent into a false sense of security. In one minute you will have a delightful conversation with Gemini; next time they managed to surpass you in something.