How to Set Goals and Achieve Them: Step-by-Step (made easy)

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them


As a rule, it is not laziness or weakness that prevents us from achieving our goals. The fact is that many simply do not know how to formulate them correctly. We figure out how to set goals correctly, get rid of limiting beliefs and direct energy to fulfill our plans.

“I want to be financially free! For everything to be good! Become energetic! Love yourself unconditionally! ” – these are vivid examples of abstract goals. And they can be performed accordingly. That is, in different ways, completely different from what was thought, or in general – not at all.

And these are examples of goals, the fulfillment of which, for the most part, does not depend on you: I want to win the lottery, I want my son to find a good job, so that his relatives are healthy, a happy family life for my sister. Putting them on is pointless.

How, then, to correctly formulate goals and achieve them? Let’s find out.

Step 1. Goal setting

The goal is to understand the end result of your actions. A correctly formulated goal is already half the battle. Therefore, the more detailed you describe all the details of what you want, the easier and faster you will achieve it.

Consider, for example, the goals of “being rich, healthy, and happy in a relationship.” Sounds nice? Do you want it like that? But … What does it mean to be rich? Perhaps it is to receive a salary of 200,000 rubles a month? Or have several million dollars in your bank account? Or live on passive income? Or maybe it’s not about money at all, but, say, about the wealth of the inner world?

If, after reading the wording, different people have different associations, then the goal is set incorrectly.

How will you know you have achieved your goal? How do you know that you are rich? Are you healthy? That your relationship is harmonious? The brain creates what it thinks you want. Therefore, it is so important to send him the right signals. Describe what you want and check if all the nuances have been taken into account:

  • Is the goal specific and detailed?
  • Is it up to you to achieve your goal?
  • Is the goal measurable?
  • Achievable?
  • Is there a timeline for reaching it?
  • Is this really your goal or is it imposed by society, by your parents?
  • When you think about your goal, do these thoughts evoke positive emotions?

Let’s take a look at the goal of “being financially free” . In such a setting, it is, at least, not specific, not measurable, the time frame for achieving it is not indicated. If we take for the definition of financial freedom “the ability to live as you want without the need to work” – it becomes a little clearer. That is, this is when your passive income is much higher than the desired level of spending. More specifically?

How much per month do you want to spend and on what exactly? For example, is 500,000 rubles a month enough for you to completely cover all your needs? Less or more? That is, you need to create a source (s) of passive income for this amount, and then you will be financially free. It remains to put down real deadlines when you can achieve this goal, and the first step is passed.

The wording “I receive passive income of 500,000 rubles monthly starting from September 1, 2022” will bring you closer to achieving this goal much faster than the vague dream of “financial freedom”.

Or take the topic of health . Each has its own subtle points, therefore the concept of “health” will be individual. The goal will be clear and specific if you “order” a pressure of 120×80, a healthy spine, weight 60 kg, 100% vision, and so on. That is, too – details are important.

When you think about your goal, an image of it should be drawn. The brain thinks in pictures. By presenting a vivid image of what you want, you send a clear signal to the brain and then you begin to see the chances and opportunities for implementation.

Remember, what you concentrate on is what you get. That is why techniques such as a dream album or making a collage of photographs associated with a goal work.

So you need to set goals for yourself, for your pleasure and enjoyment. Then you will achieve them.

Step 2. Mental blocks

The next step is to find limiting beliefs. To do this, answer your questions:

  • Why don’t you still have it?
  • Why can you fail to reach your goal?
  • What good is it if your goal is not achieved?
  • What bad thing can happen when the goal is achieved?

The answers to these questions will be your limiting beliefs. Then they need to be analyzed: where did you get them from? Who told you that? Why do you still believe this? What is your benefit to continue to believe it? One way to get rid of outdated beliefs is to find confirmation as to why it’s not true.

Example: “Now there is a crisis and everyone’s income has dropped.” Why is this not true? “The planes to the Maldives are overcrowded. So people have money. “ 

Step 3. Energize your Goals

It often happens that the goals are set competently, the deadlines are indicated, there is even a prescribed plan, but … nothing is being done. Because there is no strength, burnout. What to do in this case?

First, determine where the energy is leaking, where you are wasting it.

  • Are there toxic people around you that make you feel exhausted? With them, you should reduce communication to a minimum and try to find a company of people who inspire you.
  • Do you feel sleepy after eating? Change your diet. Take advice from a qualified nutritionist.
  • Are you doing things you hate? Learn to delegate. Consider changing jobs.
  • Do you work very hard? Shorten your work hours and set aside daily rest time.
  • Do you have bad habits? Start gradually introducing a healthier lifestyle.

Second, keep track of when you feel full of strength and energy? After which there is more energy? What makes you happy? Write your list of pleasures.

For example: playing with a child, hugging a loved one, traveling, meditating, walking aimlessly around the city, singing karaoke, reading an interesting book, admiring the sunset, taking pictures, drawing, dancing, throwing out old things, arranging surprises and so on …

Third, write a list of new things: what do you want to try, experience, test, meet, talk to, what to research? Monitor your happiness level every day and constantly improve it. Allow yourself daily pleasure. And bring something new into your life every day.

Step 4. Manifestation

A manifestation is a manifestation, a proclamation; a statement of your intention to accomplish what you want. You address such a statement to the Universe, to other people, but above all to yourself. Sometimes it is enough to say out loud your desire and the Universe responds. Sometimes you need to devote more time to working through beliefs, releasing negative emotions. It is sometimes helpful to practice specific meditations to align with the energy of the future.

How will you feel when your goal is achieved? Happiness, delight, joy, gratitude, inspiration, lightness, inspiration, euphoria? What else?

The essence of manifestation is when you visualize the end result of a desired goal and experience the sublime feelings that you think will arise during this. That is, as it were, you are transported into the future and imagine that you already have everything you wanted.

Step 5. Action plan

It remains only to draw up an action plan with intermediate results and deadlines and – to carry it out!

What do you need to do to achieve your goal? When will you do this?

Write down the intermediate results. If there is no progress – why? What needs to be changed in the plan? What thoughts, feelings, beliefs will help you follow your plan? What other resources are needed?

Even when it’s not clear what to do – start doing at least something! Show yourself and the world that you are serious. Make your behavior match your intentions.

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