Ways to open your Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra

12 Ways to open your Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth of the 7 main chakras . He is also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit.

It is represented by the color blue , and is related to our communication , our listening skills , and the expression of our emotions and our creativity .

The throat chakra is located at the level of the throat. It turns clockwise. To visualize your 5th chakra, you can visualize a blue ball, in the middle of your throat, turn clockwise, and two kinds of cones, one on the front (belly side – to receive the energies ), and one at the back (back side – where the energy comes out). 

We will see below the different symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra , and tips to harmonize it.

Symptoms when Throat Chakra is Open

  • you have no problem expressing yourself,
  • you are able to show your weaknesses as well as your strengths . 
  • Your full and melodious voice can make you an artist. 
  • You can be silent and know how to listen to others  ; 
  • your sincerity towards yourself and others manifests itself through your righteous attitude.

Symptoms when Throat Chakra is Underactive

  • You tend not to speak a lot because you have difficulty expressing yourself and are likely introverted. 
  • Your voice is trembling, sometimes with hoarseness or stammering, your language, coarse or cold, your words, devoid of deep meaning. 
  • You have difficulty thinking. However, not telling the truth can block the Throat chakra.

Symptoms when Throat Chakra is Overactive

  • you tend to speak too much, usually to dominate people and keep them away. 
  • On occasion, you are a bad listener, who wants to question everything and always be right. 
  • Arrogant by nature, you are quarrelsome and tend to interfere everywhere.

How to Open your Throat Chakra


Repeat to yourself at least once a day, and for a minimum of 21 days, positive affirmations related to the throat chakra such as the following: “I express my truth” – “My word is right” – “I communicate easily” . Depending on the imbalances in your chakra, create the affirmations that are right for you.


Sacred frequencies are particular frequencies that influence our energy bodies. The sacred frequency 741 Hertz is the sacred frequency directly influencing the energy of our throat chakra. All you need to do is start a recording of the 741 Hertz frequency, while you meditate, or just while you cook, play sports … It doesn’t matter! You will find various recordings of this frequency online.


In many cultures, it is said that plants have a soul… One thing is certain, the vibration of plants is a pure and very high vibration, so let’s not deprive ourselves of it! All you need to do is place a few drops of the essential oil on your two wrists, and rub them against each other for a few minutes. (be careful, never put pure essential oil directly on your skin, diluted first with vegetable oil). Because the skin on our wrists is very thin, the oil will be absorbed into your body more quickly. You can use blue cypress oil, or find throat chakra-specific essential oil blends on the market.

  • Chamomile,
  • neroli,
  • lavender,
  • sage,
  • sandalwood
  • myrrh


As stated above, the color of the Throat Chakra is blue. So eat blue foods! Each color has a vibration, so by eating blue foods you are bringing this vibration directly into your body, which will feed this energy in the throat chakra. 


 The crystals all carry a very particular frequency, very high and very pure. Surrounding yourself with crystals in relation to the vibration of the throat chakra can then bring it the vibrations it needs to harmonize. 


The Throat Chakra is directly related to our vocal cords and expression, so sing along! By singing, you will activate your throat chakra and give it energy to harmonize.


The sound, or the mantra “HAM” resonates with the throat chakra. Always a story of vibrations, this sound emits vibrations in resonance with this chakra, and will therefore feed its energy. So sing, repeat the HAM sound, as much as possible! You will also find various recordings of this sound online, so don’t miss out!


We talked about the color vibes a bit above, so surround yourself with the color blue as much as possible! Wear blue, decorate your home with blue … soak up the vibration of blue!


Mudras put your two hands in contact, with certain postures relating certain specific points of your fingers. Each finger has its function and its power within our body. When the fingers touch each other, the “nadis” (subtle energy channels) are connected and particular energetic vibrations are activated. Learn about the mudras corresponding to the throat chakra, and use them during your meditation for example.

10. YOGA

Yoga is known to be a very good exercise for relaxation, but it is also a powerful practice to better circulate energy in our body, and therefore activate certain meridians and chakras whose energies were blocked. Learn about Yoga postures in relation to the throat chakra, and take a few minutes a day to perform them.


Expression is not only done by speaking, it can also be done by writing. The main thing is not to keep any unsaid, any unexpressed emotion. If expressing your emotions verbally is not possible, then grab a pen and paper, and express them on paper. You can just throw this paper away afterwards, it doesn’t need to be shared, the point here is only to vent your emotions.


The energy treatments are the most effective way to cleanse and balance the chakras. Following an energetic treatment, your chakras will be harmonized, but it will however be necessary to continue to maintain them so that they keep this alignment.

Foods to unblock your Throat Chakra

As you can see, blue foods are to be preferred! Does blue food exist? Yes! Blueberries, figs, blackberries, blue cabbage … Ideally, foods should be eaten raw. Honey is also a great way to harmonize your throat chakra!

By eating these foods regularly, you will help your throat chakra to harmonize, providing it with adequate energy and vibrations.

Stones and Crystals to Open your Throat Chakra

You can meditate with these crystals, or just keep them close to you during your day, in your pocket, in your bag … or you can place them in a place where you spend time, like your office or your room. The more time you spend near a crystal, the more energy you soak up.

  • Labradorite 
  • Blue sodalite
  • Lapi Lazuli
  • Amazonite
  • Aquamarine
  • Azurite

Complete Guide to Chakras