10 reasons why Taurus is the perfect partner in love

1. Taurus has a calm demeanor.

I bet you expected a hot temper, huh?

Taurus are not walking time bombs, ready to detonate with any minor annoyance.

Their notorious mores only happen on rare occasions and with people who sincerely ask for it (so don’t even think about secretly ordering your whole pizza).

As an Earth sign, their calm and down-to-earth image will make you feel at ease; they are just comfortable to be around.

I know it’s hard to imagine a bull “calming”, but you need to get that image of raging anger out of your head!

2. Taurus is damn loyal.

When a Taurus enters into a relationship, they are in it for a long time.

Taurus is pretty old school when it comes to dating.

They are very choosy about their choices, and once they find a partner who complements them, they see that partner as a potential lifelong partner.

There are no half measures here; no cheap scenes of detachment or creating distance to make their partners “more interested” in them.

Taurus believe in doing everything you can in a relationship, and as a result, if that doesn’t work, they won’t live with any regrets.

3. Taurus is passionate and sensual.

With Taurus as your partner, you will never complain about being bored or not getting enough sexual attention.

Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and all sexual things, Taurus craves the sensual pleasures of life.

Whether it’s a late night tummy rub, a sensual back massage, or a hair caress, you don’t have to worry about a Taurus being emotionally detached or devoid of attachment; sensuality – they need it.

They love to express themselves physically, and luckily for you, you will enjoy the process.

Just be sure to pamper your Taurus in your own way, because they strongly believe in reciprocity.

4. Taurus is persistent and decisive.

When Taurus sets a goal, nothing can stop them. Even in tough times, when setbacks and rejection keep hitting them in the face, they refuse to give up.

Their failure only fuels their desire to keep working. So much so that the “keep calm and carry on” mantra was probably invented by Taurus.

They are so persistent in achieving what they want, no matter what others say, they will still do what they think is right. This is where their notorious stubborn nature comes into play.

Sure, it can be annoying when you give your wise advice as to why a Taurus shouldn’t date this particular person or apply for this job, but he or she will do it anyway.

You can’t expect anything less from a Taurus – they’re stubborn, remember?

5. Taurus are protective and are not afraid to stand their ground.

While they may not always be the talkers or the soul of the party, Taurus are more than likely to be considered “strong and quiet types.”

As much as they can keep a cool head, they are not afraid to act when necessary. If someone is acting like crazy for their friend or loved one, they will be the first to take action and turn against that person.

When it comes to expressing their own opinion, Taurus does not shy away from the truth, but does it tactfully.

6. Taurus is rational and pragmatic.

With a realistic eye, Taurus sees the world as it is. Unlike air signs, Taurus is not in the clouds.

They think things over and come up with realistic goals and ways to achieve them.

No matter how idealists they are, Taurus cannot but possess a logical and rational mind.

If you are upset and need stability in your life, your doctor may have named Taurus exactly what you need.

7. Taurus appreciate the beauty in life.

If there is one way to impress a Taurus, it is to appeal to his five senses.

Surrounded by the sublime beauty of a waterfall, savoring gourmet cuisine, or wrapped in a luxurious fleece blanket, Taurus revels in the comfort of their creatures and the beauty that surrounds them.

Do not worry; their luxurious taste won’t make a hole in your wallet.

Taurus values ​​beauty as much as grand gestures.

A night of watching their favorite movies on Netflix with you and the pizza wrapped in a blanket is heaven for them.

Luckily for you, Taurus makes great cuddles.

8. Taurus has a creative flair and a generous heart.

Whether expressing themselves through music, writing, acting or painting, creativity runs through their earthly veins.

Take Al Pacino, Jessica Alba, or Salvador Dali, for example. Everyone falls under the sign of Taurus and expresses themselves through their own creative environment.

In addition, Taurus uses their creativity to express their affection for loved ones.

Whether it’s creating a birthday card, creating a photo collage, or writing a song.

Taurus do their best for people who have a special place in their hearts.

9. Taurus are sensitive people.

While they’re usually not the type to express their emotional state on social media or cry on your shoulder, deep behind their tough looks, Taurus has a sensitive soul.

They do not take criticism or insults lightly, especially if it is related to their appearance. The beauty ruled by the goddess Venus plays a big role in the life of Taurus.

If you’re kidding, chances are they’ll take it personally, so be careful with your words.

On the other hand, their sensitive soul allows them to be in tune with other people’s emotions and pick up subtle signals when something is wrong.

10. Taurus is reliable and sincere.

Taurus are people of their word and know how to do their job.

If they say they will send you a response message after the end of an episode of their series or help you write an essay, they will.

If they don’t (which is rare), they will have a good reason to do so. They see no point in keeping someone in limbo.

They’ve gone through childhood games and hate frustrating people.

You will most likely meet a Taurus with one or two close friends, rather than a large group of people.

Mostly because they smell lies a mile away and prefer to surround themselves with real people who don’t put on showy shows.

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