Zodiac sign for March is Pisces or Aries depending on the date in March. Pisces zodiac sign is from March 1 to March 20. Aries Zodiac sign is from March 21 to March 31. March 19 to March 22 are in the cusp of Pisces and Aries. That means, people born on March 19, 20, 21 and 22 will have traits of both Aries and Pisces.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
March Zodiac Sign
March Zodiac Sign Dates
March 1 to March 20 Birthdays have zodiac sign Pisces March 21 to March 31 Birthdays have zodiac sign Aries |
March 1 to March 20 : Pisces | March 21 to March 31 : Aries |
Creative Empathetic Talented Generous Dreamy Romantic | Courageous Confident Honest Strong Leadership Generous Independent |
Pisces Compatibility | Aries Compatibility |
Select Your Birth-date to know more about your Personality, Compatibility, Zodiac Sign and Health
March 1 Birthday Pisces | March 2 Birthday Pisces | March 3 Birthday Pisces |
March 4 Birthday Pisces | March 5 Birthday Pisces | March 6 Birthday Pisces |
March 7 Birthday Pisces | March 8 Birthday Pisces | March 9 Birthday Pisces |
March 10 Birthday Pisces | March 11 Birthday Pisces | March 12 Birthday Pisces |
March 13 Birthday Pisces | March 14 Birthday Pisces | March 15 Birthday Pisces |
March 16 Birthday Pisces | March 17 Birthday Pisces | March 18 Birthday Pisces |
March 19 Birthday Pisces | March 20 Birthday Pisces | March 21 Birthday Aries |
March 22 Birthday Aries | March 23 Birthday Aries | March 24 Birthday Aries |
March 25 Birthday Aries | March 26 Birthday Aries | March 27 Birthday Aries |
March 28 Birthday Aries | March 29 Birthday Aries | March 30 Birthday Aries |
March 31 Birthday Aries |
Birthstone for March
Aquamarine and Bloodstone are the two main Birthstones for March.
Zodiac Signs by Month and Date
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Everything says here concise babies born on March 18 is true, I have seen the true picture of my life I will like to have a copy of this article through my Gmail thank for the zodiac personality
I’m a Pisces and I love reading your blog! It’s always so informative and I can always learn something new. Keep up the good work!