Zodiac sign for June is Gemini or Cancer.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
June Zodiac sign
June Zodiac sign Dates
June 1 to June 20 Birthdays have zodiac sign Gemini June 21 to June 30 Birthdays have zodiac sign Cancer |
June Zodiac Sign Dates
June 1 to June 20 : Gemini | June 21 to June 30 : Cancer |
Smart Outgoing Friendly Adaptable Good Sense of Humor Enthusiastic Intelligent | Caring Loyal Protective Intuitive Creative Family Oriented Generous |
Gemini Compatibility | Cancer Compatibility |
Select Your Birth-date to know more about your Personality, Compatibility, Zodiac Sign and Health
June 1 Birthday Gemini | June 2 Birthday Gemini |
June 3 Birthday Gemini | June 4 Birthday Gemini |
June 5 Birthday Gemini | June 6 Birthday Gemini |
June 7 Birthday Gemini | June 8 Birthday Gemini |
June 9 Birthday Gemini | June 10 Birthday Gemini |
June 11 Birthday Gemini | June 12 Birthday Gemini |
June 13 Birthday Gemini | June 14 Birthday Gemini |
June 15 Birthday Gemini | June 16 Birthday Gemini |
June 17 Birthday Gemini | June 18 Birthday Gemini |
June 19 Birthday Gemini | June 20 Birthday Gemini |
June 21 Birthday Cancer | June 22 Birthday Cancer |
June 23 Birthday Cancer | June 24 Birthday Cancer |
June 25 Birthday Cancer | June 26 Birthday Cancer |
June 27 Birthday Cancer | June 28 Birthday Cancer |
June 29 Birthday Cancer | June 30 Birthday Cancer |
June Birthstone: Moonstone, Alexandrite, Pearl
Moonstone, Pearl , Alexandrite are the birthstones for those born on June.
1. Alexandrite:
This gemstone is known for its amazing ability to change color depending on the light source. It can go from a deep green to a purplish hue, making it a very unique and special choice for June birthdays.
Alexandrite is said to promote self-confidence and creativity.
2. Moonstone:
Moonstone gets its name from the way it seems to glow in the moonlight. It has a pearly sheen that makes it look almost like it’s glowing from within. Moonstone is thought to bring good luck and harmony.
3. Pearls:
Pearls are a symbol of purity and innocence.
Each of these stones has its own unique properties and meanings.
Know More about June Birthstone (Moonstone, Alexandrite, Pearl ) …