11 proven ways to think positively

Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. Negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts. Similarly, positive thoughts will bring positive situations in your life.

Focus on positive aspects of your life. This positivity will make your life more successful and you will be able to go with the flow.

Here are simple methods by which you can get positivity in your life.

1. The power of loving connections.  

Think about those you love throughout the day. Practice positive thoughts about them by mentally sending them love, support, good wishes.

2. Gratitude. 

Every day, write 3-5 things for which you are grateful to this day: for meeting interesting people, for new useful information, for a casual smile, for rain or sun, the smell of autumn leaves, delicious coffee, an unexpected gift, etc. Our brain tends to fix and remember the negative more. Gratitude at the end of the day makes us pay more attention to the good things that happened.   

3. Release from fears. 

Write your fears, complexes and everything else that you would like to get rid of, and burn this piece of paper.

4. Forgiveness. 

Life will become much easier if you forgive yourself first and foremost. “It is human nature to make mistakes, the Divine to forgive.” Our mistakes contain the power of our changes, it is thanks to them that we gain invaluable experience that makes us more successful and more mature. Realize what you can do differently and move on by forgiving yourself. And, if necessary, ask for forgiveness from others.

5. Internal dialogue. 

Use the “erased-erased” mantra as soon as you catch yourself thinking negatively. It is believed that any negative thought begins to destroy us and our body three seconds after its appearance, therefore, if you manage to realize and track your negative conversations and fears, you can always quickly say to yourself: “erased”.

6. Acceptance of criticism. 

Thank those who criticize you for wanting to make you better. Remember that if you heard something once, you can ignore it, if twice, you should pay attention, and only if three times they pointed out something to you, it’s time to do something about it. And stop criticizing and condemning yourself and others yourself – this way you only lose energy and make enemies.

7. Positive filters. 

Be attentive to what surrounds you, what is the emotional background of your life. Try to listen to less bad news, scary stories, negative people. If you cannot avoid communicating with such people, then at least say: “Wow,” thereby not letting this negativity into your life and your thoughts.

8. Diaries. 

It is a great tool for self-awareness. Take 15 minutes a day in the morning or evening to describe events, experiences, fears, doubts, as well as your desires and plans. Journaling clears the mind, relieves – and resolves painful experiences, improves sleep and boosts self-esteem.

9. Meditation. 

Research shows that regular meditation activates areas of the brain responsible for feelings of happiness and compassion. Meditation is invaluable for reducing stress, releasing and transforming negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

10. Positive affirmations (attitudes). 

The brain can and should be trained: forming positive statements about yourself and your life is a powerful tool. It is most harmonious and effective to pronounce the affirmation so that the number of repetitions is a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. It is best to repeat any affirmation 210 times over the course of a month.

11. Positive analysis. 

Learn to find the positive even in negative situations. Instead of asking “why?”, You can ask yourself: “What is the best reason for this?” And try to find what was valuable in the experience. This allows you to shift the focus of attention to the positive, educational aspects of any situation and transform it, turning it into your resource. Don’t waste energy and energy on regrets and chewing on unpleasant memories.

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