Numerology Number 9


In Numerology, 9 carries the energy of completion, humanitarianism and power. In that sense of finality the Numerology 9 energy strives for perfection, to show the way for everyone else. This can make this energy a testing one to have in one’s life as it will demand the highest and best of all that a person does. If we look at Numerology 9 characteristics we have an energy that is powerful, understanding, tolerant and magnanimous.

As the last single digit number it encompasses all the other single digit numbers. As such it carries a little of the energy of each of these numbers which makes the 9 energy quite charismatic as everyone can identify with them to a certain degree. Being the last of the single digits it encompasses a sense of completion and conclusion. The 9 energy is born to serve and care for the world. It is about broad and impersonal love, as opposed to the Numerology 6 energy which is very much about personal love. As such, good Numerology 9 career choices will be in the emergency services, hospitals and anywhere where care needs to be given to a broad range of people.

When looking at Numerology 9 characteristics we encounter born leadership potential, the kind of leadership that guides the masses to the greater good (unless this energy is negatively aspected and then we have a tyrannical energy). If positively aspected we might expect a person dominated by the Numerology 9 energy to be compassionate and understanding with a concern for the greater good and the welfare of all humanity. They are the sort of people that will be prevalent in Not For Profit organizations and charities, trying to make a difference. Of course, if the Numerology 9 energy is negatively aspected then we have an individual who is domineering, overbearing and even imperious and if given power could be a malevolent tyrant.


The rules of reduction in the calculation of Numerology measures takes every number greater than 9, adds the digits together to reduce to a single number. This may need to happen twice in order to get that single number. But each double digit cipher has it’s own meaning, a focus put on the resulting single digit number. Here are the double digit ciphers that reduce to 9 and a brief indication of their meaning:

Numerology 18 meaning

Numerology 18 is an energy associated with the integration of new ideas which leads to conclusions and final accomplishments. These will bring about the end of associations with some groups and potentially the beginning of associations with other groups. A person with this energy in their chart may be a good finisher of tasks, someone who comes up with good ideas about how to get the job done. However they may be a tad hasty and as such there may be issues around careful analysis, wisdom and also with poise.

Numerology 27 meaning

Numerology 27 is an energy that can herald the end of relationships based on an analysis of those relationships. This energy can also represent the enlightenment of the masses through establishing good relationships with key figures. A person with this vibration in their chart may well have skills in this area, or be working towards them. Challenges with this vibration come in the form of detachment, freedom and dealing with change and uncertainty.

Numerology 36 meaning

Numerology 36 is a great vibration for artists as it encompasses all that is needed for high level artistic expression. There is self expression and joy channeled through the vibration of love and care to reach and affect the masses. Whether it be writing, singing or painting, all can be successful with this vibration. It should also be noted that marriages and relationships can end under this vibration. If there are issues here they will be to do with the maintenance of friendships and good health.

Numerology 45 meaning

Numerology 45 is an energy associated with changing work circumstances that brings the individual into contact with many people. If this energy is dominant in a persons chart it could indicate one who travels around the world in their work quite a lot. If there are issues it will be to do with independence, authority and maintaining a sense of self.

Numerology 54 meaning

Numerology 54 is a vibration which indicates there will be endings and conclusions within the house or job as a result of changes taking place. This could also be the energy of someone who seeks to change public or community wide structures for humanitarian or philosophical reasons. Challenges here are to do with authority, self-esteem and creativity.

Numerology 63 meaning

Numerology 63 is again an energy within which marriages can end. It speaks of resolution or conclusions to do with love, the home and domestic affairs which come about via words spoken, communication and people expressing themselves. Depending on where this energy occurs in a persons chart, they could be the type of person that never goes to bed angry with a partner but instead insists on staying up to the midnight hour if necessary until the matter is thoroughly discussed and mutually satisfactory conclusions have been reached. Issues here are relating to communication, the maintaining of friendships and good health.

Numerology 72 meaning

Numerology 72 can be an energy which indicates legal action, often with public attention, to do with relationships. A person with this energy in their charts could end up being a relationship lawyer. However, this energy can also indicate quiet, thoughtful philanthropy and so a person with this energy could be the thought leader behind a charity or Not For Profit organisation. If there are issues they will be to do with detachment, freedom and dealing with change and uncertainty.

Numerology 81 meaning

Numerology 81 is an energy that can herald new business initiatives that see an organization move onto the global stage. It can also indicate an individual coming up with new ideas which resolves problems for many people and thus generates material success for the individual. If there are issues they will be to do with careful and patient analysis, spirituality and poise.

Numerology 90 meaning

Numerology 90 is an energy that could be labelled ‘the beginning of the end’ as conclusions are approached. It also indicates there is new power about to be handed to an individual or the possibility that they are about to come to public attention. Therefore the issues are in handling this new power or in managing the demands of being in the public eye.

Numerology 99 meaning

Numerology 99 is a Master Number, the Master’s Master. Please see the entry for Master Number 99 for more details.


As you read the meaning of the double digit ciphers you will get a good sense of the Numerology 9 characteristics; conclusions, power and humanitarianism. How you are affected by this energy depends on where it presents itself in your numerology chart. Use the descriptions above as a guide to what to be aware of should you find that these numbers are prominent for you. You can find out about the basic calculations in Numerology here.

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