Is your Birthday on August 12 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
August 12 Zodiac sign | Leo ![]() |
August 12 Ruling Planet | Sun |
August 12 Element | Fire |
August 12 Lucky day | Sunday |
August 12 Lucky Colors | Orange, Red, Gold |
August 12 Lucky Numbers | 1, 3, 10, 19, 28 |
August 12 Birthstone | Peridot , Sardonyx, Spinel ![]() |
August 12 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Sagittarius and Aries![]() More about Compatibility |
August 12 Zodiac Sign: Leo
For People born on August 12 the Zodiac sign is Leo.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
August 12 Birthday: Personality
August 12 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Generous
- Magnanimous by nature
- Loyal
- Optimistic
- Honest
- Leadership
- Protective
- Confident
- Ambitious
August 12 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Dominating
- Stubborn
- Arrogant
- Inflexible
- Jealous
- Constant desire for Recognition
August 12 Birthday: Personality
Born 12 August – extraordinary, talented people. Music, theater, writing, invention – these are the areas where their talents can manifest themselves. Their intuition is magnificent and accurate, and an impeccable analysis of situations always leads to the right conclusions.
The financial side of life can undergo recessions and booms, the river of family life – in a normal stream, usual, like most.
For those born on August 12, the experience of past generations is important, from where you can draw valuable life lessons, so they are committed to old traditions. They set themselves the task of preserving the available knowledge and technology, which are an aid to their desire to perfectly master their business, craft.
Some favorites of luck born on August 12 put only the chosen ones next to them and recognize them equal, because they have a constant desire to update information, receiving more and more information that is little known to anyone, and no difficulties can stop them in this search.
Searches for the common in different eras determine the behavior of those born on August 12 and their lifestyle. For them, only that power that is based on eternal rules and timeless laws is valid. At the same time, born 12 August do not allow themselves to blindly follow the traditions.
Enlightened personalities, on the contrary, make additions to them, improving them, adding that they can move forward and be adequate to the present. Traditions are perceived by them as an objective reality that exists within them and is dissolved in everything that surrounds them.
Their beliefs in the need for knowledge of cultural sources, their history, and family customs come from the fact that they are necessary for a correct and free choice, to preserve the important and discard the unnecessary.
Born 12 August they understand that traditions are full of conventions, but they should not be classified as conservative or reactionary. Ignorance, ignorance and unwillingness to know the story give rise to big mistakes, repeated from time to time.
The life of 12 August can easily become a dizzying adventure. Due to the riskiness of nature and the attraction of risk, their energy can get out of control and upset the balance. This leads to their own undermined health and the ill-being of others.
Colleagues may be skeptical or jealous of infallibility born on August 12. And even less successful brethren suffer from envy and hostility towards them, mistaking them for snobs and tyrants.
Born 12 August they can easily achieve success at work, provided that they are fully imbued with their ability to influence others and curb their tyranny and uncontrollable nature. So they can attract loyal and reliable friends.
Born 12 August should avoid excessive alienation and move away from the unconditional hierarchy of values in human relations. In this case, those close by through the fingers will look at their mistakes and mistakes that occurred in the past.
August 12 Birthday : Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs
People born on August 12 have Leo Sun Sign.

Click here to check the compatibility of Leo with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on August 12
Go down from the heights you set yourself to, there are many worthy people around you, ordinary people like you. Learn to understand other people’s worldviews.
Relax, laugh, have fun, it will bring positive impulses to your life. Beware of expressing categorical disapproval to someone else’s address, given the strength of your influence on others, it can become deadly.
Know about Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces