August 29 Zodiac (Virgo) Birthday Personality, Compatibility, Element and More

August 29 Birthday: Personality, Zodiac Sign, Compatibility, Ruling Planet, Element, Health and Advice

Is your Birthday on August 29? Know the Sun Sign, PersonalityCompatibility and more…. for people with August 29 Birthday.

August 29 Zodiac signVirgo
August 29 Ruling PlanetMercury
August 29 ElementEarth
August 29 Lucky dayWednesday
August 29 Lucky Colors Green
August 29 Lucky Numbers 5, 14, 23
August 29 Birthstone Sapphire , Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate
August 29 Zodiac CompatibilityMost Compatible with Capricorn and Taurus
More about Compatibility

August 29 Zodiac Sign: Virgo

For People born on August 29 the Zodiac sign is Virgo.

What Does your Birthdate Say About you

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August 29 Birthday: Personality

August 29 Birthday Positive Traits:

  • Hardworking
  • Helpful
  • Patient
  • Reliable
  • Analytical
  • Intelligent
  • Honest
  • Perfectionist
  • Observant
  • Organized

August 29 Birthday Negative Traits:

  • Stubborn
  • Judgmental
  • Overthinking
  • Critical
  • Fussy
  • Conservative
  • Uptight
  • Ruminative

August 29 Birthday: Personality

Born under a happy star, talented and easily walking in life, people are born on this day. Everything that they do is surrounded by the energy of good luck and success. These are wonderful leaders who are able to easily gain credibility in the team and lead it along, they will never leave the business incomplete. 

They do business enthusiastically and always bring them to completion. They have certain abilities for theater, music, literature. In the financial sphere, they are accompanied by success, and complete understanding and peace reign in the family.

Born on August 29, categorically does not tolerate chaos in any of its manifestations, and therefore, any activity is carried out by them in accordance with a previously developed plan. But this does not mean that they are boring or harsh personalities. 

On the contrary, they are effective natures, and even, despite the fact that inside they always burn, somehow, but they manage to realize themselves.

Improvisation is one of the main features of life born on August 29, and, therefore, they rarely fail in their affairs, and even easily overcome difficulties, making the right decisions quickly and accurately, as problems arise. It can be noted here that they never stop searching for the right, effective and suitable action for what is happening. 

Born 29 August often make every effort to distinguish their vibrant personal life from social, which they have very successful. Periodically, they cease to control themselves and allow emotions to spill out, which creates constant problems for them. 

Some may decide that those born on August 29 should be fully devoted to work and not react to personal problems that arise, but they need a family, loyal friends and a reliable partner. You can say about them

Although they easily attract the attention of potential lovers, they get used to a new person hard and rarely feel free and calm. However, units are decided to take the first step. This is the source of conflict – born 29 August very often rush between the need for an active personal life on the one hand and work on the other. 

Giving all of themselves to the family, those born on August 29 are rare, but they become isolated in themselves. In this situation, drawing their attention to something is almost impossible. And in fact, the day comes and wives, husbands or children born on this day feel lonely. 

Those who hope to reach out to them should express their emotions more clearly. Not only sexual life, but also other types of its physical expression are of great importance for those born on August 29. Due to their excessive emotionality,

Born 29 August rarely tolerate the overvoltage caused by various life events. Some of these people have a penchant for alcoholism and drug addiction, as ways to save them from problems; others develop unnatural habits or connect with suspicious people in whom they seek support during difficult moments in their lives. 

Under constant pressure of private and public demands, those born on a given day sometimes find a “third way”, which is often associated with complete apathy for others and life. 

As a result, such a path leads to partial and even complete degradation of the individual. If born on August 29, to cope with the contradictions of his nature and learn to masterfully, use his natural abilities, both unique and ordinary, then luck will not leave them. Adaptation and improvisation will help here.

August 29 Birthday Compatibility with Zodiac Signs

People with August 29 Birthday have Virgo Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Virgo with various other Zodiac Signs.

Advice for People Born on August 29

When choosing a profession, do not give up those that are associated with water. Be softer, listen to yourself and love yourself. Try to go with the flow.

Try not to make high demands on yourself; learn to easily switch between personal and social life. Spend more time with people who are dear to you.

Know about Zodiac Signs

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn, AquariusPisces

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