Is your Birthday on December 3 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
3 December Zodiac sign | Sagittarius |
3 December Birthstone | Topaz, Citrine |
3 December ruling Planet | Jupiter |
3 December Element | Fire |
3 December Lucky day | Thursday |
3 December Lucky Colors | Gold |
3 December Lucky Numbers | 6, 9 |
3 December Zodiac Stone | Turquoise |
3 December Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Aries and Leo. More about Compatibility |
December 3 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
For People born on December 3, the Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
December 3 Birthday: Personality
December 3 Birthday Positive Traits | December 3 Birthday Negative Traits |
Independent Optimistic Risk-Takers Honest Adventurous Curious Reliable | Blunt Judgmental Impatient Unforgiving Inconsistent Over Confident |
On this day, strong-willed, confident people and their powers are born. In life, they go easily. Possessing multifaceted talents and abilities, they can choose any occupation and reach the heights of excellence in any business.
These are enthusiastic people, sometimes it seems that they came to this world not to know, but rather to carry knowledge.
They show interest in mysticism, occultism. They can especially prove themselves in healing, theatrical activities.
What their life will be depends on in what situation they will grow. The events of childhood and youth will lay the foundation of their fate.
Born 3 December do not allow anyone to stand in the way of their plans. Inventive in the embodiment of their own ideas, they can be quite secretive and dexterous in achieving their goals.
Born 3 December, are more likely to be more interested in their ideas, family, work, hobby, as such, and not in gaining fame or gaining power.
Perhaps to the displeasure of family members, those born on December 3 are not too concerned about their own financial well-being.
Oriented to technical sciences, they are meticulous and yet, despite some tediousness, they manage to touch the right string in the hearts of colleagues and associates, which ultimately penetrate the community of tasks.
However, those born on December 3 do not necessarily have the approval of others, they can do without it, continuing to do what they consider necessary. Often, they generally prefer to work alone.
In fact, those born on December 3 need solitude, and at certain crucial moments in their life, they simply need to isolate themselves from the world. In such periods (usually after thirty years) they gain a reputation as hermits.
It seems that only in solitude do they reach the ultimate concentration of thought and plunge into the study of the subject of higher spirituality.
In fact, the tasks that those born on December 3 set themselves sometimes seem incomprehensible, as if they are imbued with a certain higher purpose. However, this does not mean at all that those born on December 3 are too pious or loyal to one or another doctrine, on the contrary, they are often inveterate cynics and materialists.
The danger for those born on December 3 is that, too absorbed in work, they forget about personal development. In fact, individuality as a category does not interest them.
They follow their own logic, according to which their natural talents and abilities are just a necessary tool for work.
But, fortunately, sooner or later they comprehend the great wisdom of self-knowledge at the deepest level. If they manage to take this step, their life ultimately acquires great brightness and focus on universal human values.
December 3 Birthday Love and Compatibility

People with December 3 Birthday have Sagittarius Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Sagittarius with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on December 3
Be more interested in yourself and developing your own personality. Sometimes it’s useful to shift the responsibility onto the shoulders of others – do not worry. Do not go into deep solitude. Keep in touch with the world and help those around you.
Famous people born on December 3rd
Those born on December 3rd share birthday with there famous people:
- Brendan Fraser, Actor, December 3 1968
- Ozzy Osbourne, Singer, Songwriter, December 3 1948
- Lil Baby, Rapper, December 3 1994
- Amanda Seyfried, Actress, December 3 1985
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Wow! Spot on.
Thank you for the insight.
Wooow the word are so preasurable…
Such a great notes that describes a person born on 3 December. 💯✊