Is your Birthday on December 4 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and moreā¦.
4 December Zodiac sign | Sagittarius |
4 December Birthstone | Topaz, Citrine |
4 December ruling Planet | Jupiter |
4 December Element | Fire |
4 December Lucky day | Thursday |
4 December Lucky Colors | Gold |
4 December Lucky Numbers | 6, 9 |
4 December Zodiac Sign | Turquoise |
4 December Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Aries and Leo. More about Compatibility |
December 4 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
For People born on December 4, the Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
December 4 Birthday: Personality
December 4 Birthday Positive Traits | December 4 Birthday Negative Traits |
Independent Optimistic Risk-Takers Honest Adventurous Curious Reliable | Blunt Judgmental Impatient Unforgiving Inconsistent Over Confident |
People born on this day are lucky and successful. They are endowed with excellent organizational skills. These are leaders who can interest, lead. Possessing oratory, they can find a common language with any person.
But to whom much has been given, much is being asked. If a person becomes proud and forgets his friends and relatives, begins to neglect people and the world, he will know what troubles and sorrows are and will tend to remain alone.
Born 4 December – smart, aggressive personalities who have the courage to defend their beliefs. Pain, conflict, struggle are categories that are not alien to them, as difficulties and obstacles too often appear on their life path.
Nevertheless, they have a good chance to achieve far-reaching goals, which is largely due to the unusual combination of grace and vitality, and at the same time they manage not to cause jealousy and envy in others.
However, many of those born on December 4 are capable of spreading fear in opponents, or at least provoking a sense of anxiety in them.
It is worth noting that the Day of moral endurance corresponds to persistence in achieving the goal – perhaps that is why the enemies born on December 4 feel that they have little chance of victory.
Born 4 December sometimes show egoistic tendencies, however, fortunately, they manage to ensure that these destructive trends do not dominate their personality.
As a rule, the ideals and aspirations of those born on December 4 are devoid of self-interest, and most often they serve the lofty goals – whether humanistic, political or creative.
In fact, they are ready to sacrifice their own comfort and well-being for the sake of what they believe.
Awarded with organizational talent, they are able to listen to the opinions of colleagues and associates, but they will not tolerate a serious threat to their power, which always remains unshakable.
The temptation to have unlimited powers in one sphere or another is very great for those who were born on this day, so for the sake of their own good these people require periodic reflection on their actions.
A considerable danger awaits them even when they take more responsibility, than they can digest, therefore, for those born on December 4, it is extremely important to know the limit of their capabilities in order to prevent irritation and dissatisfaction.
Born 4 December usually have a critical mind. They are able to easily and quickly issue the necessary argument and evaluate the opponent.
However, if they are emotionally attached to a particular subject, their objectivity sometimes disappears. That is why those born on December 4 should clearly distinguish between personal and social.
So, for example, a special favor for friends can negatively affect the business atmosphere in the work team and, accordingly, the results of a common cause.
The sooner those born on December 4 will be able to cope with the destructive tendencies in themselves, the better. This does not mean, however, that they should suppress individuality, – they just need to comprehend the consequences of their own actions for others.
By gaining wisdom with age, those born on this day are able to direct their energy into a productive channel and thereby make a significant contribution to the development of society.
December 4 Birthday Love and Compatibility

People with December 4 Birthday have Sagittarius Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Sagittarius with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on December 4
Believe that the highest power on Earth is the power of love. Keep your mood high, but control it. Focus more on domestic obligations.
Remember the well-being of others. Do not be afraid of losing power.
Famous people born on December 4th
Those born on December 4th share birthday with there famous people:
- Jin, Pop Singer, December 4, 1992
- Jay-Z, Rapper, December 4, 1969
- Niykee Heaton, Pop Singer, December 4, 1994
- Nafessa Williams, TV actress, December 4, 1985
- Mia Fizz, Youtube star, December 4, 2004
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces