Is your Birthday on January 30 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
January 30 Zodiac sign | Aquarius |
January 30 Ruling Planet | Saturn, Uranus |
January 30 Element | Air |
January 30 Lucky day | Saturday |
January 30 Lucky Colors | blue-green, Turquoise |
January 30 Lucky Numbers | 3, 4, 17, 18 and 22 |
January 30 Birthstone | Amethyst |
January 30 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Gemini and Libra More about Compatibility |
January 30 Incompatibility | Cancer and Virgo, More about Compatibility |
January 30 Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
For People born on January 30, the Zodiac sign is Aquarius.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
January 30 Birthday: Personality
January 30 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Independent
- Progressive
- Stimulating
- Creative
- Entertaining
January 30 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Lacking in concentration
- Rebellious
- Impractical
- Erratic
January 30 Birthday Personality

The vibrations of this day are such that they enhance the pronounced personality traits. From what a person is, his fate will depend.
On this day, unique people are born. They are endowed with a variety of talents, huge creative potential. In life, they will be given many chances to create excellent conditions for themselves.
Will a person be able to take advantage of the opportunities and talents that the Universe has generously endowed him with? It will depend on him. Which way these people will choose is their fate.
Born 30 January are usually talented leaders. They have well-developed organizational abilities, are able to educate others and clearly communicate their thoughts to others.
As a rule, high sociability and responsibility gives them the right to lead a family clan, a prosperous company with subsidiaries in various regions, or even a large political party. Most of them are highly moral people.
Outwardly similar to dictators, those born on this day are most happy when they build something from scratch, starting from the foundation and tracing the implementation of the project to the very end.
When the time comes to manage existing structures, their instinct tells them to stop in order to correctly determine the prospects for further development. Born 30 January proud of their common sense. Therefore, when crises arise, they feel in the familiar element.
They can consider many moments of their life as a necessary preparation for decisive actions, for the role that they will one day play. Therefore, failure for them is nothing more than a temporary obstacle, ultimately very important – as a lesson in life.
Convinced of their innocence, they ruthlessly sweep away everything that stands in their way. Unfortunately, some of the actions of these people can be very dubious, especially when their short-sightedness is seen.
Born on this day tend to worry about their image, and sometimes they are ready to sacrifice their own selfish principles, if only to become “blooming like a rose.”
Deeply introverted natives born on January 30 usually neglect their rightness in achieving goals. They do it in a simple way, which does not cause much suspicion.
However, behind the scenes, some of them can engage in fantastic intricacies to maintain their social balance. Most often, the justification for the rather unseemly acts of those born on this day can be that they act with good intentions in the name of personal, family relationships or an interested social group.
This may be true, but in some cases, when it comes to the satisfaction of their own ambitions, they allow a little dishonesty.
Born 30 January most often practical and tricky in financial matters, but not known as corrupt people. In fact, they may look like idealists. This image helps them to make the necessary acquaintances, in addition to match their image, they become less hostile and envious.
But as in business, in other equally important areas of life, they never reveal their cards to the end. Nevertheless, trust is vital for those born on January 30, as they cannot do without it. They should strive to justify it whenever possible.
Why push yourself to the edge of the abyss when you can safely walk the right path.
January 30 Birthday Compatibility with Zodiac Signs
People with January 30 Birthday have Aquarius Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Aquarius with various other Zodiac Signs.
Aquarius likes to share joу with loved ones. They are romantic, and are loyal. Aquarians can have good and beneficial long term relationship with Gemini, Leo or Libra.
In love, Aquarians are incompatible with Cancer and Virgo. Hence Aquarians should avoid getting into a long term relationship with Cancer and Virgo born natives.
Advice for People Born on January 30
Be more natural, image – that’s not all. Be more open to let people know what you really think and want. Get a deep feeling, focus on your personal life.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces