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Is your Birthday on September 20 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and moreā¦.
September 20 Zodiac sign | Virgo |
September 20 Ruling Planet | Mercury |
September 20 Element | Earth |
September 20 Lucky day | Wednesday |
September 20 Lucky Colors | Green |
September 20 Lucky Numbers | 5, 14, 23 |
September 20 Birthstone | Sapphire , Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate |
September 20 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Capricorn and Taurus More about Compatibility |
September 20 Zodiac Sign: Virgo
For People born on September 20 the Zodiac sign is Virgo.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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September 20 Birthday: Personality
September 20 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Hardworking
- Helpful
- Patient
- Reliable
- Analytical
- Intelligent
- Honest
- Perfectionist
- Observant
- Organized
September 20 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Stubborn
- Judgmental
- Overthinking
- Critical
- Fussy
- Conservative
- Uptight
- Ruminative
September 20 Birthday: Personality
On this day, conflicting natures appear: on the one hand they have many ambitions, on the other hand they are unsure of themselves and their own abilities. The vibrations of this day multiply the negative character traits of these personalities.
A person can achieve much in life only by reconciling and forgiving. If he radiates the energy of love and joy through life, then he can create normal conditions for his existence.
However, if he will be captivated by the low qualities of the human soul, such as gossip, envy and intrigue, will sow evil and cause others pain and misery, then his existence will bring little joy.
Those born on this day are confident that they can get out of dignity from any, even the most difficult situation. They are seriously concerned about the problems of their environment and will do everything to realize the harmonious implementation of the project on which they are working.
Women are completely immersed in the problems of the family, support the home. Men tend to be active in business and public circles. Men born September 20, without even delving into the essence of the conflict, give partners and their friends valuable recommendations.
However, returning to the family, they prefer to leave other people’s problems outside the house and completely relax in the home environment of excellent superimposed life. Born 20 September give great importance to finance, they know the benefits of financial prosperity and strive how to make money,
When something is wrong in their life, those born on September 20 firmly know that they can fix it and heal it. Healing in their understanding can mean settling quarrels, concrete help to a loved one who finds himself in a difficult life situation.
Using various methods: from massage to prayer, they are able to create a real miracle! Therefore, given the above, they should not be too self-confident. If they begin to think that they have much more power than it actually is, they can incur dangerous consequences for themselves and others.
Born 20 September usually shows reasonable reasoning, but sometimes they overestimate their talent to recognize the truth. And here the fundamental point is their ability or, conversely, the inability to recognize their own mistakes,
Those people born on this day who have the ability to draw conclusions from their mistakes, including serious ones, are able to achieve tremendous success. In another case, they are doomed to repeat their mistakes with an enviable frequency, many of which are created from nothing, they could easily be avoided.
But you just had to stop and think about the correctness of your judgments at the right time. Ultimately, they will be forced to admit to themselves that they lived a strange life, their illusions. Born 20 September poorly control their emotions, especially with regard to issues of a love nature.
Guided by passion, they forget about caution, thus bringing grief to those close to them. If they manage to show self-control and patience, then they will probably achieve a positive result. For them, the best soul mates are people with similar interests and those whose goals coincide with theirs.
Those born on September 20 have a desire to work in a team with their spouses and achieve joint success in business, creativity and scientific research.
September 20 Birthday Compatibility with Zodiac Signs
People with September 20 Birthday have Virgo Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Virgo with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on September 20
Do the work on the bugs. Take a closer look at your lifestyle, analyze the results obtained – whether they bring you benefit or not. And if necessary, change course without hesitation. It is worth paying attention to your emotions, taking them under control and learning patience.
Birthstone for September : Sapphire

Benefits of September Birthstone …
Know about Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces