Is your Birthday on September 25 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
September 25 Zodiac sign | Libra |
September 25 Ruling Planet | Venus |
September 25 Element | Air |
September 25 Lucky day | Friday |
September 25 Lucky Colors | White, Light Blue |
September 25 Lucky Numbers | 6, 15, 24 |
September 25 Birthstone | Diamond, Sapphire |
September 25 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Aquarius and Gemini More about Compatibility |
September 25 Zodiac Sign: Libra
For People born on September 25 the Zodiac sign is Libra.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
September 25 Birthday: Personality
September 25 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Diplomatic
- Extrovert
- Intelligent
- Good Listeners
- Considerate
- Balanced
September 25 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Non-Confrontational
- Superficial
- Detached
- Indecisive
- Self-Pitying
September 25 Birthday: Personality
People born on September 25, fate gives a lot of talents, they have fantastic intuition and high self-control. According to the zodiac laws, the planets Neptune, Mercury and the Moon endowed these individuals with rich imagination, a diplomat’s talent, and perseverance.
Bright actors and musicians come out of them. Throughout their lives, they will alternate difficult times with falls and ups, but they will be able to steadily overcome all obstacles and, in the end, will create material wealth and a successful life for themselves.
Born 25 September build a kind of pragmatic relationship with others and society as a whole. They are objective in their judgments and can openly criticize visible flaws in order to improve the situation and achieve positive results.
Therefore, they reject recognized authorities and focus only on common sense. Thus, they often “open” the eyes of others to many things.
The non-standard behavior of the people born on this day in relation to society often provokes the desire of others to hang various labels on them.
They are often referred to as typical representatives of certain sectors of society, associated with some representatives of nationalities. Indeed, rarely will anyone criticize their loved ones, neighbors, a city, region or country like these natures. However, criticism of the state is considered by them as a kind of symbiosis that allows them to coexist in it.
Born 25 September, people often find themselves confused in their attempts to honestly show true feelings for loved ones in personal relationships. Often these personalities seem cold and unsociable to others.
However, this is only a mask that is completely atypical for these natures. Isolated from social connections and emotionally closed, these people, due to career demands, suffer immeasurably from a lack of love and attention, and feel especially happy if someone responds to their open feelings.
In relation to relatives and friends, personalities born on September 25 are often incorrect. They avoid close contact with people, and keep them at a distance from themselves, as if fearing betrayal or invasion of personal space.
Refined thinking and developed imagination does not prevent them from being overly picky. Maximalists by nature, they meticulously recheck their work and the work of others. If they identify errors, a lot of criticism and reproaches are pouring on careless performers.
While allowing themselves to scold and condemn their team, they do not allow others to do this, on the contrary, they become active defenders of the interests of society. People born on September 25 have an easier time building emotional and informal relationships with a team of employees at work, with a separate social group, than with their loved ones.
Relatives are often deprived of their attention, care and love. In the family, they rarely compromise. In individuals born on this date, children feel left out in parental love and often suffer from it.
September 25 Birthday Compatibility with Zodiac Signs
People with September 25 Birthday have Libra Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Libra with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on September 25
Learn to understand people. When criticizing, be objective and fair. Remember that a word can really hurt a person. Be more open in your feelings. Pay more time and attention to your near and dear ones.
Birthstone for September : Sapphire

Benefits of September Birthstone …
Know about Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Thank you so much
love to be a September born.Thank you for the advise
i love to be a september born. and thanks for the september advise
Thanks for your advice
Thanks for the advice im a proud 25th born.
Likewise 🥲🥺.
Thanks for the advice i will alwys be a september born ✌
You’ve just opened the chapter of me 🥲🙂. Thanks for the advice though 🥲.