Is your Birthday on September 8 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
September 8 Zodiac sign | Virgo |
September 8 Ruling Planet | Mercury |
September 8 Element | Earth |
September 8 Lucky day | Wednesday |
September 8 Lucky Colors | Green |
September 8 Lucky Numbers | 5, 14, 23 |
September 8 Birthstone | Sapphire , Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate |
September 8 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Capricorn and Taurus More about Compatibility |
September 8 Zodiac Sign: Virgo
For People born on September 8 the Zodiac sign is Virgo.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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September 8 Birthday: Personality
September 8 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Hardworking
- Helpful
- Patient
- Reliable
- Analytical
- Intelligent
- Honest
- Perfectionist
- Observant
- Organized
September 8 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Stubborn
- Judgmental
- Overthinking
- Critical
- Fussy
- Conservative
- Uptight
- Ruminative
September 8 Birthday: Personality
People born on September 8, possess all the qualities inherent in a strong personality: will, hard work, responsibility. They firmly stand on their opinion, especially if they are sure that it is their point of view that is the only correct one.
They have a rare responsibility in their work: if they got down to business, they will certainly bring it to the end and will do everything in good faith. They are reliable, faithful friends.
You can be sure that the person born on September 8 will never betray and will not let you down, regardless of the circumstances. The life of these people is full of victories and defeats, but, having coped with all the failures, they go further through life with their heads held high, without losing their pep and optimism.
Believe me, a person born on September 8th will not be an “open book” for you. With every word, conclusion and deed, you will become more and more confused.
It is impossible to characterize these people in a few words. Indeed, at first glance, they constantly clean up business (in all areas of life, whether it be work, family, close circle), try to approach everything reasonably and correctly, but even making a mistake, they will think that they are doing everything right, and there are hardly any people who can convince them otherwise.
People born on September 8 cannot but influence others. They are incomprehensible, often very secretive. Possessing good acting abilities, they can play any vital role, no matter what conditions they are placed in.
However, they rarely use their gift. Most of those born on this day prefer to analyze reality through the narrow prism of good and evil, most often even not realizing to themselves that life is much more diverse and even good and evil can mean the same thing in the understanding of different people.
For those born on September 8, their ideals and loved ones play a big role. They are ready to defend both those and others at any time of the day, despite the danger and not wasting time searching for the guilty.
In most of these situations, they turn out to be the most important “villains”. Therefore, they simply need the correct prioritization and values of life. Those born on this day (in addition to acting talent) also have a good sense of humor. All this, along with their seriousness, gives them an interesting ability to control their environment.
With a huge number of positive and interesting qualities, they are hardly able to charm the interlocutor. They are respected, worshiped, afraid of, but at the same time they trust such people without limit.
Perhaps they will not make the most tender parents and lovers. Perhaps in some areas of life their tendency to tyranny, inability to make concessions will manifest themselves. But hardly anywhere else can you find a more honest, reliable, loyal person.
Born 8 September prefer to occupy a leadership position in all spheres of life. Their views often differ from those of others, but they are ready to declare them publicly, without fear of consequences.
They are pedantic and afraid of change. They do not like to listen to other people’s opinions, considering themselves right in every way. It is not easy to find a common language with people born on this day.
However, it should be remembered that their actions and words (even though seeming negative and meaningless) are dictated by the desire to do good and sincerely believe that they are doing everything right.
September 8 Birthday Compatibility with Zodiac Signs
People with September 8 Birthday have Virgo Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Virgo with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on September 8
It is impossible to be an ideal in the eyes of others. Remember that not all of your tips are correct, useful, and understandable to your loved ones. Be yourself, do not lose that distinguishes you from other people.
Do not impose your point of view on strangers, give them a chance to be a strong personality too. Beware of becoming an authoritarian and indifferent person.
Birthstone for September : Sapphire

Benefits of September Birthstone …
Know about Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces