Retrograde motion of Saturn is the relative motion of Saturn with respect to earth. When Retrograde, Saturn is not actually moving in opposite direction. It only appears to move in the opposite direction with respect to earth.
Saturn is the planet that gives results according to your karma. When Saturn becomes retrograde, it intensifies the results it is currently giving a native.
Retrograde Saturn 2019 dates:
Saturn is in Sagittarius (Dhanu rashi) in 2019. Saturn becomes retrograde at 26⁰ 24′ in Sagittarius on 30 April 2019. Saturn becomes progressive at 19⁰ 47′ in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) on 18 September 2019.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 in Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Here is a Kalpurush Kundali for 30th April 2019 – the day when Saturn becomes retrograde.
When Saturn become retrograde on 30th April 2019. Saturn is in Sagittarius. It is in close conjunction with ketu. Retrograde Saturn creates difficulties in the aspects of life which it is karaka for or lord in your kundali. Here, as Saturn is with Ketu, the difficulties will be more grave.
As you can see from the Kundali above (30 April 2019), Jupiter is Retrograde too. Two major planets being retrograde, it will be a tough time in general.
As far as moon signs are concerned, the effect of retrograde Saturn will be felt the most by Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi), Gemini (Mithun Rashi) and Virgo (Kanya Rashi) .
Hence it is advised not to start new ventures in this time frame.
Saturn becomes progressive on 18th September 2019 at 19⁰ 47′ in Sagittarius .After this, Saturn will travel at a high speed and enter into Capricorn (Makar Rashi) on 24 January 2020. Hence, in this time frame, quick results, related to Saturn lordship, will be obtained.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Aries (Mesha Rashi) :

If you have Aries Rising (Lagna) OR Aries as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 9th house in your horoscope. For Aries ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11th house. Saturn is responsible for your career, money, friendship, elder sibling and father.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 9th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. This will adversely affect your career and earnings. You may face obstacles during Travel. Elder Sibling’s health should be taken care of.
Once, Saturn becomes progressive in mid-September, you luck will be better.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Taurus (Vrushabha Rashi) :

If you have Taurus Rising (Lagna) OR Taurus as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 8th house in your horoscope. For Taurus ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 9th and 10th house. Saturn is responsible for your career and Luck. On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 8th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. This will affect adversely affect your luck and career. Luck will not favor you during this time frame. It is advised to not take any major decisions during this time. As far as career is concerned, you might have a tough time in your office. Just keep you patience for now. Try to avoid Travelling.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Gemini (Mithuna Rashi) :

If you have Gemini Rising (Lagna) OR Gemini as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 7th house in your horoscope. For Gemini ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 8th and 9th house. Saturn is responsible for your Luck, Travel, inheritance and obstacles.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 7th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. This will make your 8th house weak. Problems in health will reduce. But at the same time, you may face difficulties related to inheritance.
As Retrograde Saturn is in your 7th house with ketu, you may have difference with your life partner.
This will be a good time for spiritual Progress.
Try to avoid travel.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Cancer (Karka Rashi) :

If you have Cancer Rising (Lagna) OR Cancer as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 6th house in your horoscope. For Cancer ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 7th and 8th house. Saturn is responsible for your married life, business partnerships, health and inheritamce.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 6th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Health problems might surface. You will face difficulties in business partnerships. Married life will go through a rough patch. There may be obstacles related to your job.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Leo (Simha Rashi) :

If you have Leo Rising (Lagna) OR Leo as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 5th house in your horoscope. For Leo ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th house. Saturn is responsible for your job, health, married Life, Business Partnerships.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 5th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 5th house is weak. You may face issues related to your children. This is not a good time for stock investment.
Your 6th house becomes weak. Hence, you will face problems related to your job. On a positive note, your health problems will reduce.
This will be a difficult time related to marriage and business partnerships.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Virgo (Kanya Rashi) :

If you have Virgo Rising (Lagna) OR Virgo as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 4th house in your horoscope. For Virgo ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 5th and 6t houses. Saturn is responsible for your job, health, children, stock investment, luck and higher studies.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 4th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 4th house becomes weak. There may be problems on your home front.
As 5th house is weak, you may face issues related to your children. This is not a good time for stock investment.
Your 6th house also becomes weak. Hence, you will face problems related to your job. Some health related issue can surface.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Libra (Tula Rashi) :

If you have Libra Rising (Lagna) OR Libra as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 3rd house in your horoscope. For Libra ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th houses. Saturn is responsible for your home, property, vehicles, luck, children and stock investments.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 3rd house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 3rd house becomes weak. There may be problems related to your younger siblings. It is advised that you take care while you do short travels. Be very careful if you are signing any documents.
As 4th house is weak, you may face issues on home front. This is not the right time to purchase vehicle.
Your 5th house is somewhat weak, due to the conjunction of Saturn with ketu. There won’t be a major impact on 5th house related issues like children or higher studies.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Scorpio (Vruschika Rashi) :

If you have Scorpio Rising (Lagna) OR Scorpio as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 2nd house in your horoscope. For Scorpio ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 3rd and 4th houses. Saturn is responsible for your home, property, legal documentation, younger sibling and short travels.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 2nd house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 2nd house becomes weak. Your savings can get affected. Indifferences may take place in the family.
As 3rd house is weak, you may face issues related to legal documentations. Avoid short travels.
Your 4th house is lord is in 2nd house. There can be purchase of vehicle or even home. There is a yoga that you may buy a resale vehicle.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) :

If you have Sagittarius Rising (Lagna) OR Sagittarius as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 1st house in your horoscope. For Sagittarius ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 2nd and 3rd houses. Saturn is responsible for your legal documentation, younger sibling, short travels, family, and savings.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 1st house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 1st house becomes weak. You will face a lot of stress and tension during this time period.
As 2nd house is weak, there may be family related disputed. Your savings can get affected.
Your 3rd house is lord in 1st house. There is a possibility of short travels. But you may not be very happy about it.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Capricorn (Makar Rashi) :

If you have Capricorn Rising (Lagna) OR Capricorn as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 12th house in your horoscope. For Capricorn ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 1st and 2nd houses. Saturn is responsible for your family, savings and your overall wellbeing.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 12th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 12th house becomes weak. You might face health issues.
As 1st house is weak, you will face stressful situations.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) :

If you have Aquarius Rising (Lagna) OR Aquarius as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 1st house in your horoscope. For Aquarius ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 1st and 12th houses. Saturn is responsible for your well being, health and stay in foreign country.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 11th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 11th house becomes weak. You will face issues related with earnings. There may be misunderstandings with friends.
As 12th house is weak, be extra careful when travelling in foreign countries. Take care of your health.
Your 1st house lord is with ketu. This can make you tend towards spirituality. This may be a temporary effect.
Effect of Saturn Retrograde 2019 on Pisces (Meena Rashi) :

If you have Pisces Rising (Lagna) OR Pisces as Moon sign, Retrograde Saturn will be in the 10th house in your horoscope. For Pisces ascendants, Saturn is the lord of 11th and 12th houses. Saturn is responsible for your earnings, friendships, travel in foreign countries and heath.
On 30th April 2019, Saturn becomes Retrograde in your 10th house. It is in close conjunction with Ketu. Your 10th house becomes weak. You will face issues related with to work.
As 11th house is weak, you may face issues related to earnings. Avoid any misunderstandings in your friendships.