The Law of Karma

Whatever you do, comes back to you multifold – Law of Karma

What is the Law of Karma:

The Law of Karma is a fundamental principle found in various philosophical and spiritual traditions, encapsulated by the phrase: “Whatever you do, comes back to you multifold.”

This concept implies that every action, whether positive or negative, generates a corresponding reaction that eventually returns to the individual who initiated the action.

Law of Karma is Valid for Actions, Emotions as well as Thoughts

The Law of Karma is valid not only for actions but also for thoughts and emotions. It governs the principle that the energy we put into the world, whether through our deeds, feelings, or mental states, will come back to us.

This means that not only our actions but also our emotional responses and thought patterns contribute to the cycle of cause and effect.

You are creating karma every moment.

Karma can last over lifetimes

According to many spiritual and philosophical traditions, karma is not confined to a single lifetime. The consequences of one’s actions and decisions can carry over into subsequent lives. This means that the positive or negative effects of one’s deeds can manifest in future incarnations of the soul.

Accumulation of Karma and Reincarnation:

As individuals reincarnate, they bring with them the karmic results of their past lives. This accumulated karma influences their current life circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. For example, unresolved issues or unfulfilled potentials from previous lives may resurface in new forms.

Positive actions and virtues cultivated in one life can result in beneficial conditions and opportunities in future lives. Conversely, negative actions or harmful behaviors can lead to difficulties or challenges that need to be addressed in subsequent lifetimes.

Evolution of the Soul: The concept of karma over lifetimes is often tied to the idea of spiritual evolution. It suggests that individuals have multiple lifetimes to learn, grow, and evolve spiritually. Each lifetime provides opportunities to resolve past karma, develop new virtues, and ultimately progress on the path of spiritual awakening.

How to Neutralize Past Negative Karmas

  1. Sincerely Ask for Forgiveness:
    • Sincere acknowledgment of mistakes and asking for forgiveness from those affected can significantly reduce or even nullify the negative effects of past karma.
    • Ask for forgiveness from God. This act of humility and remorse can help alleviate negative karma.
  2. Help Others in the Area of Your Problem:
    • Offer Support and Seva: Actively help others who are experiencing similar challenges or difficulties that you have faced. Engaging in acts of service (seva) related to the areas where you have previously experienced problems can reduce the effect of your negative karma.
    • Make Donations: Contributing to charitable causes or organizations that address issues related to your past negative actions can further assist in neutralizing karma. Donations can be financial, material, or in the form of time and effort.

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