Is your Birthday on January 16 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
January 16 Zodiac sign | Capricorn |
January 16 Birthstone | Garnet |
January 16 ruling Planet | Saturn |
January 16 Element | Earth |
January 16 Lucky day | Saturday |
January 16 Lucky Colors | Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise, Blue Topaz and Lapis Lazuli |
January 16 Lucky Numbers | 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 |
January 16 Zodiac Stone | Turquoise |
January 16 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Taurus and Virgo . More about Compatibility |
January 16 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
For People born on January 16, the Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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Traits of a person born on January 16
January 16 Birthday Positive Traits | January 16 Birthday Negative Traits |
Hardworking Ambitious Dependable Goal Oriented Disciplined Persistent | Pessimistic Stubborn Unforgiving Picky Reserved |
January 16 Birthday: Personality
On this day dualistic natures are born. They are dreamy, emotional, secretive, even a little mysterious. They have a rich imagination, these are intelligent and diplomatic natures.
They usually have few friends, they avoid noisy campaigns, love solitude. In personal life, they are usually unhappy, in the family there is no understanding and spiritual closeness. Often the first marriage leads to divorce.
In the material sphere they are lucky, they are accompanied by success in matters with which they are completely passionate. With partners, they are honest, reliable, people are treated with respect.
Fulfillment of obligations is the main goal in life born on January 16, and we are talking about all areas of life. Ultimately, they seek satisfaction from the consciousness of fulfilled duty. But that is not all. Execution means for them not only the final result, it includes the amount of effort spent on the implementation of a project.
In a sense, this means that for those born on January 16, the most important thing is the subjective assessment of the work done, namely, that the task was completed properly.
Born 16 January constantly requires recognition of the fact of completion of their obligations – for them it is a kind of self-assessment tool. Born on this day are best suited for clearly defined tasks, rather than those which contain an element of probability or uncertainty about their true value. And here the question of possible failures comes to the fore.
As you move forward, excitement escalates, interest in work increases, but along with them, the risk of a complete or at least partial failure increases, and therefore born on January 16 (especially those who can not cope with stress) have to learn to overcome disappointments associated with with difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.
Moreover, sometimes they have to get used to the state of uncertainty and refuse to set themselves on the absolute fulfillment of predetermined tasks. The most successful personalities are quite capable of raising a realistic bar for themselves.
Gradually they come to understand that one has to accept reality and live according to the limit of one’s capabilities. In this sense, it is very important to find a niche in society. Born 16 January able to bring themselves and others to a state of complete confusion, unless they learn to accept the laws of everyday life.
This fully applies to the style of their relationship with other people. Perhaps those born on this day should look for satisfaction in fulfilling urgent tasks, for example, regarding issues of ensuring family welfare or success in commercial enterprises.
In fact, the personal success of those born on January 16 is largely dependent on the ability to focus attention on everyday concerns. concerning family welfare or success in business ventures. In fact, the personal success of those born on January 16 is largely dependent on the ability to focus attention on everyday concerns.
January 16 Birthday Love and Compatibility
Those born on 16 January are difficult to conquer in love because they are very shy and hesitant in love, despite always appearing strong and decisive. They might seem cold , and not very interested in love, but in reality, even if they are not lovey dovey, they have great feelings.
They are not able to easily express their feelings.
It takes time for Capricorns to warm up in love. Their rather cold nature and seriousness prevent him from rushing into a relationship in a heated or temperamental manner.
This great caution and restraint apply to all areas of their life.
Before they open up, the Capricorn-born must first feel really comfortable in the relationship. Then they will devote themselves selflessly and patiently to their partner.
They want a partner who is reliable. They want to have a family and prefers traditional love. So they will look for stable relationships that can last a lifetime.
They tend to take command of the relationship , as they tend to lead, and will do everything to make it work at its best.
They are generally very faithful in the relationship. They will stand by their partner through the thick and thin.
They can’t stand the betrayals. When they get angry , they can end a story, although the memory of their ‘ex’ will always remain.
When they find the partner, the relationship will mostly last forever.
January 16 Birthday Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

People with January 16 Birthday have Capricorn Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Capricorn with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on January 16
Try to realistically evaluate your capabilities. Keep your nose upwind, but don’t overload yourself with responsibilities. On the other hand, stay active and stay calm. Pay sufficient attention to relationships with other people.
Famous people born on January 16th
Those born on January 16th share birthday with there famous people:
- Jennie Kim, K-pop Singer (S. Korea), January 16, 1996
- Kate Moss, Model (USA), January 16, 1974
- James May, TV Show Host (UK), January 16, 1963
- Curran Walters, TV Actor (USA), January 16, 1998
- Alyssa Edwards, reality Star (USA), January 16, 1980
- Joe Flacco, Football Player (USA), January 16, 1985
- JeLaminah Lanier, Reality Star (USA), January 16, 1990
- Josh Moss, Reality Star (Australia), January 16, 1993
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces