Is your Birthday on August 20 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
August 20 Zodiac sign | Leo |
August 20 Ruling Planet | Sun |
August 20 Element | Fire |
August 20 Lucky day | Sunday |
August 20 Lucky Colors | Orange, Red, Gold |
August 20 Lucky Numbers | 1, 10, 19, 28 |
August 20 Birthstone | Ruby, Peridot |
August 20 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Sagittarius and Aries More about Compatibility |
August 20 Zodiac Sign: Leo
For People born on August 20 the Zodiac sign is Leo.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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August 20 Birthday: Personality
August 20 Birthday Positive Traits:
- Generous
- Magnanimous by nature
- Loyal
- Optimistic
- Honest
- Leadership
- Protective
- Confident
- Ambitious
August 20 Birthday Negative Traits:
- Dominating
- Stubborn
- Arrogant
- Inflexible
- Jealous
- Constant desire for Recognition
August 20 Birthday: Personality
On this day, brave, decisive, happy people come to earth. Cosmic vibrations support and enhance the positive properties of nature. These people go through life joyfully and cheerfully. They easily realize their desires, plans, dreams.
They manifest themselves in art, literature, and theater. In finance, they are also successful, in personal life – harmony.
The life of births on August 20 is often filled with events that they have to hide from others. Sometimes, however, they gain courage and pass judgment to the community, but this is very rare. In this regard, many of them remain alone, although in the business field they often experience considerable success, as well as in relations with the opposite sex.
Sometimes they themselves do not understand the nature of rock, which dominates them. And then a sense of anxiety overwhelms their consciousness, making it difficult to make the right constructive decisions, and one by one they begin to make mistakes. In such cases, they need to delve into their memory and try to get the causes of the problems out of its secluded corners.
You can do it very simply – remember school experience and write an essay on a piece of paper: “What prevents me from living”. Usually,
People born 20 August, despite the internal passions, often oppressing their consciousness, often seem cheerful people around. They love and know how to have fun. Yet an aura of thought almost always accompanies them.
They are aware of the difficulties that always accompany the most cloudless happiness, so they take human feelings very seriously. These are reliable people, they will not fail in difficult times, and they empathize with the suffering of others.
But, caring for others, helping them, these people at the same time and above all think about themselves. They are pleased to feel that someone is weaker than them and needs their support and help. And this help, having some life experience, is not so difficult to provide.
Born 20 August have a powerful imagination, which leads them in a creative quest. Wonderful poets, artists, speakers come out from their midst, which enthrall those around them.
However, if they cannot realize their fantasies, this can turn into serious complications for their psyche. In such cases, they try to get away from the problems that corrode the soul through drugs, alcohol abuse, or frequent changes in sexual partners.
Many of them, well aware of the harmfulness of this path, find the strength to stop in time. It is very important that in the difficult moments of their lives, a close understanding person be able to forgive all the insults that have been inflicted over the years of their emotional discord.
Basically, people born on 20 August are cautious and calm, they prefer not to attract too much attention.
August 20 Birthday : Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs
People born on August 20 have Leo Sun Sign.

Click here to check the compatibility of Leo with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on August 20
The past, once already understood, try to forget. Let everything go as it is. Do not stop at things for too long; Let today be a new start. Strive for joy, allow yourself all the best.
Know about Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Been on several sites and none has been as accurate as the info on this site………….. just jaw droppin’!!!
Super accurate on the art,literature and theater part and so many other things like how they are pleased to have someone need their support and how they can’t tell fantasy and reality apart.
Honestly this is so true in my case.
I just found this site and the info is very accurate and every thing said about Agust 20 is real ,,I have made too many mistake ,,now am 50 without one man ,,what can I do,,,Rita
Please all is serd is very through