Is your Birthday on January 15 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
January 15 Zodiac sign | Capricorn |
January 15 Birthstone | Garnet![]() |
January 15 ruling Planet | Saturn |
January 15 Element | Earth |
January 15 Lucky day | Saturday |
January 15 Lucky Colors | Black, Indigo |
January 15 Lucky Numbers | 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 |
January 15 Zodiac Stone | Turquoise |
January 15 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Taurus and Virgo . ![]() More about Compatibility |
January 15 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
For People born on January 15, the Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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Traits of a person born on January 15
January 15 Birthday Positive Traits | January 15 Birthday Negative Traits |
Hardworking Ambitious Dependable Goal Oriented Disciplined Persistent | Pessimistic Stubborn Unforgiving Picky Reserved |
January 15 Birthday: Personality
On this day dreamers, visionaries, lovers of all kinds of adventures, travels are born. These are gifted people; with their characteristic perseverance, they realize their most daring dreams, realize grandiose plans. In their young years they will experience material difficulties, but, knowing the wisdom of life, acquiring the necessary knowledge.
Thanks to the talents that the Universe has generously endowed with them, they can surround themselves with comfort and coziness. In the material sphere, excellent results have been achieved over time. In family life, mutual understanding, respect, happiness reign.
Born 15 January repeatedly encounter the theme of heroism in their lives. At some point, they find a vein of fearlessness in themselves and rely on it in the future in situations of crises and stresses.
Often, those born on this day do not even suspect the existence of such a quality in them until fate challenges them openly.
Up to this point, they, as a rule, are no different from others. Events that suddenly awaken dormant heroism usually occur in the interval from twenty to thirty years. Born 15 January childhood dream of feats and even have the ideal of a hero they want to be like in everything.
Parents can be an example to follow, but most often it is still a surrogate, molded from several images. Presenting yourself as heroes or heroines, Born 15 January try to stimulate their activity and initiative.
Some of them then really become heroes, even in the eyes of their own children, thus realizing their youthful dreams.
Born 15 January – not necessarily socially active individuals, but they can be attracted to one or another person who inspires them to self-knowledge. Teachers and mentors often play a key role in these people’s careers.
Love, or at least deep friendship and tenderness, is also important in their relations with the outside world. Rebel is a peculiar manifestation of maturity, which is born on January 15.
They very sharply feel injustice, therefore they are ready to fight against any form of oppression or aggression. Many of them have a pleasant, and often even naïve, appearance that hides a deep inner strength.
Those, those who try to take advantage of the gentleness of those born on January 15 soon discover with surprise the ability to resist.
Born 15 January quickly learn the lessons of life and often repeat: “Shame on the one who will deceive me for the first time, shame on me if they deceive me twice.” Born 15 January should not be too gullible and let into their inner world those who can cause them harm.
On the other hand, to surround yourself with an iron wall after insults is at least stupid. Finding a balance between openness and security is the main challenge for these people.
Born 15 January should be more careful about the issue of sensual pleasures, to which they have a weakness. Sometimes their energy is simply sprayed onto objects that are not worthy of attention.
January 15 Birthday Love and Compatibility
Those born on 15 January are difficult to conquer in love because they are very shy and hesitant in love, despite always appearing strong and decisive. They might seem cold , and not very interested in love, but in reality, even if they are not lovey dovey, they have great feelings.
They are not able to easily express their feelings.
It takes time for Capricorns to warm up in love. Their rather cold nature and seriousness prevent him from rushing into a relationship in a heated or temperamental manner.
This great caution and restraint apply to all areas of their life.
Before they open up, the Capricorn-born must first feel really comfortable in the relationship. Then they will devote themselves selflessly and patiently to their partner.
They want a partner who is reliable. They want to have a family and prefers traditional love. So they will look for stable relationships that can last a lifetime.
They tend to take command of the relationship , as they tend to lead, and will do everything to make it work at its best.
They are generally very faithful in the relationship. They will stand by their partner through the thick and thin.
They can’t stand the betrayals. When they get angry , they can end a story, although the memory of their ‘ex’ will always remain.
When they find the partner, the relationship will mostly last forever.
January 15 Birthday Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

People with January 15 Birthday have Capricorn Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Capricorn with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on January 15
You certainly have to play a heroic role. Make sure that it does not contradict your life goals. Be picky, but stay open to change. Find out what works for you. Learn to wait and choose the right moment for action.
Famous people born on January 15th
Those born on January 15th share birthday with there famous people:
- Dove Cameron, TV Actress (USA), January 15, 1996
- Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Leader (USA), January 15, 1929 (to April 4, 1968; Age: 39)
- Ben Shapiro, Journalist (USA), January 15, 1984
- Kelly Kelly, Wrestler (USA), January 15, 1987
- Billie Faiers, Reality Star (UK), January 15, 1990
- Hyungwon, K-pop Star (S. Korea), January 15, 1994
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces