Is your Birthday on December 22 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
22 December Zodiac sign | Capricorn |
22 December Birthstone | Topaz, Citrine |
22 December ruling Planet | Saturn |
22 December Element | Earth |
22 December Lucky day | Saturday |
22 December Lucky Colors | Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise, Blue Topaz and Lapis Lazuli |
22 December Lucky Numbers | 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 |
22 December Zodiac Stone | Turquoise |
22 December Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Aries and Leo. More about Compatibility |
December 22 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
For People born on December 22, the Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
December 22 Birthday: Personality
December 22 Birthday Positive Traits | December 22 Birthday Negative Traits |
Hardworking Ambitious Dependable Goal Oriented Disciplined Persistent | Pessimistic Stubborn Unforgiving Picky Reserved |
People born on this day are wise and caring. They will succeed using the talents and opportunities that were given to them by the forces of the Universe.
The most remarkable feature of those born on 22 december is the ability for long-term planning and implementation of plans. They practice this in both – work and in family life.
They usually have certain predictive abilities. But these abilities, as a rule, are used mainly to accurately calculate where and who they will be and how their fate will turn out based on past merits.
All this, does not mean at all that they are not able to change their life course; rather, this indicates that they are well aware of their capabilities and needs for a specific period of time. This enables them to plan their time and efforts accordingly.
People born on 22 December value reliability more than anything else. They develop slowly, but surely, Year after year, creating and improving the structure of their life.
Because of their caution, they usually make far fewer mistakes and suffer far less defeat than most people. But if a catastrophe falls on their shoulders (this happens to them, perhaps once or twice in their entire lives), then this catastrophe is a serious one, which unsettles their life for a long time.
However, after some time spent on healing the wounds, they return again, in order to continue their journey with surprising force.
If a person born on December 22 is characterized by ambitiousness, then his progress to the top of his career is painfully slow – due to a clear reluctance to take risks, that in his opinion, are unjustified, make inevitable compromises in some cases.
In relation to work, and to life in general, those born on this day have something from a craftsman who enjoys both the process of labor and its final result.
Those born on 22 december have good patience. However, they are also capable of being annoyed by trifles in some everyday situations.
In such situations, they tend to instantly splash out on others their emotional reactions (such as, for example, outbursts of anger).
Having expressed their dissatisfaction, they rarely retain anger and quickly calm down. True, after such cases, they expect from those who have suffered from their rage to literally follow their rules, especially in relations with their children.
They can at times be overwhelmed by authoritarian methods which they should avoid in every possible way, since such behavior can cause resentment or even sharp discontent among others, especially members of their families.
Most people born on December 22 have a secretive and serious character. However, if they have a reason to show their sense of humor, they give it away, as they say, to the fullest.
The best hangout for them is a company of several close friends or family members. Being lonely by nature and in need of long periods of retreat, they always feel uncomfortable at crowded gatherings. They prefer to be by themselves, thus getting rid of the annoying attention of society.
For people born on this day, it is very important to learn to carefully handle their humor, which can often have shades of stinging irony or satire, and prevent it from developing into sarcasm or mockery.
A very important task for them is also to find a balance between seriousness and entertainment, isolation from society and social activity. If possible, they should look for a channel through which their thoughts and feelings (often suppressed) could fully bloom and find expression.
December 22 Birthday Love and Compatibility

People with December 22 Birthday have Capricorn Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Capricorn with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on December 22
Soften your exactingness and need to be perfect. Learn to be more open and tolerant of others. Do not blame or condemn anyone.
Social gatherings have great therapeutic value and, in addition, can be quite rejuvenating. Try to open up to others.
Famous people born on December 22nd
Those born on December 22nd share birthday with there famous people:
- Meghan Trainor, Pop Singer (USA), December 22, 1993
- G Hannelius, TV Actress (USA), December 22, 1998
- Bryce Gheisar, Movie Actor (USA), December 22, 2004
- Jordin Sparks, Pop Singer (USA), December 22, 1989
- Neel Sethi, Movie Actor (USA), December 22, 2003
- Chris Carmack, TV Actor (USA), December 22, 1980
- Ralph Fiennes, Movie Actor (UK), December 22, 1962
- Chris Hughes, Reality Star (UK), December 22, 1992
- Ted Cruz, Politician (Canada), December 22, 1970
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Zodiac Compatibility:
ARIES Compatibility , TAURUS Compatibility , GEMINI Compatibility , CANCER Compatibility , LEO Compatibility , VIRGO Compatibility , LIBRA Compatibility , SCORPIO Compatibility , SAGITTARIUS Compatibility , CAPRICORN Compatibility , AQUARIUS Compatibility , PISCES Compatibility
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces