Is your Birthday on January 18 ? Know the Sun Sign, Personality, Compatibility and more….
January 18 Zodiac sign | Capricorn |
January 18 Birthstone | Garnet ![]() |
January 18 ruling Planet | Saturn |
January 18 Element | Earth |
January 18 Lucky day | Saturday |
January 18 Lucky Colors | Black, Indigo |
January 18 Lucky Numbers | 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 |
January 18 Zodiac Stone | Turquoise |
January 18 Zodiac Compatibility | Most Compatible with Taurus and Virgo . ![]() More about Compatibility |
January 18 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
For People born on January 18, the Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
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Traits of a person born on January 18
January 18 Birthday Positive Traits | January 18 Birthday Negative Traits |
Hardworking Ambitious Dependable Goal Oriented Disciplined Persistent | Pessimistic Stubborn Unforgiving Picky Reserved |
January 18 Birthday: Personality
On this day courageous, self-confident, purposeful people are born. Their life will be full of all kinds of events, both pleasant and not very. But, having gone through hardships, hardships, they will be able to achieve stability.
Those born on this day usually have many friends who are always ready to help and support them in difficult times, but also many envious people who will not miss the opportunity to gossip, intrigue, wanting to break and annoy. In the material sphere, slow but steady growth. The family is usually happy.
Born 18 January never part with childhood. They can be blamed for naivety, but it is difficult to blame prudence, avarice or greed. Born on this day as if tuned to a wave of naturalness. They love to have fun and do not really respect serious problems.
However, many of them seriously suffer from the adult demands that the world places on them. Accordingly, the main task of these people can be called the pursuit of maturity while maintaining childish vitality and naturalness.
Those born on January 18 make wonderful parents. They, like no one, understand the needs and demands of the child’s soul. At the same time, they themselves often have big problems with their parents – especially in adolescence and youth.
Separation from childhood is generally tragic for those born on January 18, therefore, parents need to be especially sensitive in this regard and not even try to deprive their gradually growing child of children’s habits and attachments. Too strict requirements can only sow the seeds of disobedience and protest.
Born 18 January want to see life easy and careless, but they need large doses of excitement and adventures that could stimulate them. If they are not able to find exciting sensations in everyday life, they have to turn to the world of fantasies, where everything is allowed and accessible. In this case, there is a danger of getting used to a similar method of self-isolation.
The most enlightened personalities of those born on January 18 are able to sublimate their fantasies and bring them to reality, which is expressed in the generation of new ideas and projects, as well as fresh approaches to solving old problems.
Therein, as for love, born January 18, as a rule, attract mundane people, who usually like the idea of awakening in them long-forgotten childishness and naivety. Relations with such people give birth to a sense of peace and security on January 18.
Generally, births 18 January can be happy, even doing routine business, if only they have some free time that they can spend on pleasures. However, the best option for them is the ability to integrate their fantasies and direct them into the mainstream of creative projects.
January 18 Birthday Love and Compatibility
Those born on 18 January are difficult to conquer in love because they are very shy and hesitant in love, despite always appearing strong and decisive. They might seem cold , and not very interested in love, but in reality, even if they are not lovey dovey, they have great feelings.
They are not able to easily express their feelings.
It takes time for Capricorns to warm up in love. Their rather cold nature and seriousness prevent him from rushing into a relationship in a heated or temperamental manner.
This great caution and restraint apply to all areas of their life.
Before they open up, the Capricorn-born must first feel really comfortable in the relationship. Then they will devote themselves selflessly and patiently to their partner.
They want a partner who is reliable. They want to have a family and prefers traditional love. So they will look for stable relationships that can last a lifetime.
They tend to take command of the relationship , as they tend to lead, and will do everything to make it work at its best.
They are generally very faithful in the relationship. They will stand by their partner through the thick and thin.
They can’t stand the betrayals. When they get angry , they can end a story, although the memory of their ‘ex’ will always remain.
When they find the partner, the relationship will mostly last forever.
January 18 Birthday Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

People with January 18 Birthday have Capricorn Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Capricorn with various other Zodiac Signs.
Advice for People Born on January 18
Peace is not the highest goal to strive for. Be consistent with reality, but do not forget to pay the bills. Beware of the tendency toward self-isolation. Try your best in any relationship.
Famous people born on January 18th
Those born on January 18th share birthday with there famous people:
- Karan Brar, Movie Actor (USA), January 18, 1999
- Montana Tucker, Pop Singer (USA), January 18, 1993
- Dave Bautista, Wrestler (USA), January 18, 1969
- Ashleigh Murray, TV Actress (USA), January 18, 1988
- Jason Segel, TV Actor (USA), January 18, 1980
- Kevin Costner, Movie Actor (USA), January 18, 1955
- Becca Tobin, TV Actress (USA), January 18, 1986
- Sarah Gilman, TV Actress (USA), January 18, 1996
What Does your Birthdate Say About you
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Know about Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces