December 20 Zodiac (Sagittarius) Birthday Personality, Compatibility, Element and More

December 20 Zodiac (Sagittarius) Birthday Personality, Birthstone, Compatibility, Ruling Planet, Element, Health and Advice

Is your Birthday on December 20 ? Know the Sun Sign, PersonalityCompatibility and more….

20 December Zodiac signSagittarius
20 December BirthstoneTopaz, Citrine
20 December ruling PlanetJupiter
20 December ElementFire
20 December Lucky dayThursday
20 December Lucky Colors Gold
20 December Lucky Numbers 6, 9
20 December Zodiac Stone Turquoise
20 December Zodiac CompatibilityMost Compatible with Aries and Leo.
More about Compatibility

December 20 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

For People born on December 20, the Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

December 20 Birthday: Personality

December 20 Birthday Positive TraitsDecember 20 Birthday Negative Traits
Over Confident
December 20 Birthday Positive and Negative Traits

On this day, persistent optimists, strong, and ambitious people are born. From birth, they are endowed with powerful life energy. In achieving the goals that are outlined for themselves, moving forward, they will not turn off the road, will not give up their dreams. They will persistently strive to realize their plans. 

These are born leaders, they have diverse abilities. They have oratory talent. and Interesting interlocutors. 

In the financial sector they are accompanied by success.

People born on 20 december constantly come up with new ideas. Their ability to take the initiative is truly tremendous. Without particularly bothering with putting their own projects and ideas into practice, and even more so with administrative issues, they prefer to start the next task immediately after they “start” the previous one. 

However, their undertakings, as a rule, are successful. They, therefore, constitute a good reputation. 

If they conceived something, it is almost impossible to stop them. This is because their actions follow ideas with lightning speed. Incredible inventiveness, work efficiency and originality are so high that their performance is sometimes even surprising. 

Sometimes people born on December 20 who, by occupation, have to do intellectual work, can be blamed for some superficiality – this applies to their research, theories or works of art. However, it is obvious that their method involves precisely a multiple examination of the subject from various angles, rather than a detailed and in-depth study of just one of its aspects. 

Those born on 20 December can usually be able to control their mental energy, and yet they are most interested in metaphysical types of life experience. Nevertheless, they stand very firmly on earth and are very suspicious of all kinds of untested stories of miracles or travels to other worlds. 

People born on this day are not the kind who accept rumors or even the words of authorities on faith. 

They may not like it very much when they are told that their feelings have no real basis; at the same time, they are very aggressive in upholding their own ideas and opinions. 

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that for those born on December 20, the general picture of reality, and not small details, is of primary importance. 

They like to philosophize about things in general and appreciate grateful listeners. The ability to influence the thoughts of others gives them real pleasure, so they quite naturally feel like a parent or teacher. 

Being tireless workers themselves, they often expect and demand the same effort and dedication from their children or students. 

In this regard, they need to be very careful – otherwise they can not pay attention to the individual differences of people or incorrectly assume that the individual’s energy and ability to concentrate are the same as theirs. 

In general, the tendency to make preliminary judgments and expect in advance from people, more than they can do is one of the main causes of problems for those born on December 20. 

These qualities can lead to undesirable overstrain and, consequently, poor attitude on the part of those individuals whose forces were erroneously overestimated. 

For people born on 20 December it is necessary to soften and curb their energy a little. This will help them better understand others. 

They should also try not to fix their efforts and attention too much on external performance.

December 20 Birthday Love and Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility Chart

People with December 20 Birthday have Sagittarius Sun Sign. Click here to check the compatibility of Sagittarius with various other Zodiac Signs.

Advice for People Born on December 20

Do not think that you are always right. Learn to admit your mistakes. Stick to your course. Cultivate tolerance.

Famous people born on December 20th

Those born on December 20th share birthday with there famous people:

  • Jonah Hill, Movie Actor (USA), December 20, 1983
  • JoJo, Pop Singer (USA), December 20, 1990
  • Dick Wolf, TV Producer (USA), December 20, 1946
  • Isabel Durant, TV Actress (Australia), December 20, 1991
  • India Reynolds, Model (UK), December 20, 1990
  • Bob Morley, TV actor (Australia), December 20, 1984
  • Kylian Mbappé, Soccer Player (France), December 20, 1998
  • Jorginho Frello, Soccer Player (Brazil), December 20, 1991

What Does your Birthdate Say About you

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec

Zodiac Compatibility:

ARIES Compatibility , TAURUS Compatibility , GEMINI Compatibility , CANCER Compatibility , LEO Compatibility , VIRGO Compatibility , LIBRA Compatibility , SCORPIO Compatibility , SAGITTARIUS Compatibility , CAPRICORN Compatibility , AQUARIUS Compatibility , PISCES Compatibility

Know about Zodiac Signs:

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn, AquariusPisces

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