Nakshatra Animal Symbols OR Nakshatra Yoni

Nakshatra Animal Symbols (Yoni)

| Ashwini | Bharani | Krittika | Rohini | Mrigasira | Ardra  | Punarvasu  | Pushya | Ashlesha,, | Magha | PoorvaPhalguniUttaraPhalguni | Hasta Chitra | Swati Vishakha | Anuradha | Jyeshta | Mool | PoorvaShadha | UttaraShadha | Shravan | Dhanishtha, | Shatataraka  | PoorvaBhadrapada  | UttaraBhadrapada | Revati |

Every nakshatra in astrology is associated with an animal. This animal associated with the nakshatra is called Nakshatra Yoni.

  • There is s distinct connection between the nakshatras and animals. The animal associated with the nakshatra reflects personality traits if an individual. It can be used to verify how two people will behave with each other.
  • The Nakshatra animal symbols are divided have male and female energies. The male nakshatras are more aggressive. The Female nakshatra energies are submissive.

Using the kuta system, couples can examine their compatibility. By comparing their Nakshatra yoni or animal symbols, they can determine compatibility points. This method helps to understand their sexual compatibility.

Complete list of Nakshatra Animal Symbols (Yoni)

1. Ashwini Nakshatra Animal (Yoni): Horse

Ashwini Nakshatra Animal is a Horse.


  1. Swiftness, energy, and endurance.
  2. Strong, athletic, and good stamina.
  3. Symbol of freedom, independence, and strong will.
  4. Intelligence, loyalty, and bravery.
  5. Powerful and majestic animal.


  1. Stubborn
  2. Difficulty in teamwork
  3. Prone to anxiety
  4. Impulsiveness

Know more about Ashwini Nakshatra 

2. Bharni Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Bharni Nakshatra Animal is an elephant.


  1. Strength, stability, and endurance.
  2. Intelligence, wisdom, and loyalty.
  3. Calm, patient, and gentle nature.
  4. Good memory and strong family ties.
  5. Symbol of prosperity, good luck, and fortune.


  1. Can be stubborn and inflexible
  2. Tendency to hold grudges.
  3. May become complacent
  4. Can be slow to adapt to change
  5. May struggle with letting go of the past

Know more about Bharani Nakshatra

3. Kritikka Nakshatra Animal (Yoni) : Goat

Kritikka Nakshatra Animal is Goat.


  1. Resourcefulness, adaptability, and perseverance.
  2. Intelligence, curiosity, and creativity.
  3. Playful, loving, and affectionate nature.
  4. Strong sense of community and family.
  5. Symbol of fertility, abundance, and prosperity.


  1. Can be indecisive
  2. May struggle with commitment
  3. Can be prone to anxiety or worry
  4. May have a tendency to be critical
  5. Can be stubborn or resistant to change

Krittika Nakshatra

4. Rohini Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Rohini Nakshatra Animal is a serptent.


  1. Transformation, rebirth, and renewal.
  2. Wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight.
  3. Healing, regeneration, and vitality.
  4. Symbol of power, protection, and fertility.
  5. Ability to shed old habits and beliefs.


  1. Can be secretive
  2. May struggle with trust
  3. Can be prone to possessiveness.
  4. May have a tendency to hold grudges.
  5. Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks.

Rohini Nakshatra

5. Mrigasira Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Mrigasira Nakshatra Animal is Female Serpent (sensual nature) .


  1. Intelligence, intuition, and adaptability.
  2. Resourcefulness, creativity, and innovation.
  3. Charm, grace, and elegance.
  4. Symbol of power, protection, and transformation.
  5. Ability to shed old skin and embrace change.


  1. Can be secretive
  2. May struggle with trust or vulnerability
  3. Can be prone to possessiveness
  4. May have a tendency to hold grudges
  5. Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks

Mrigasira Nakshatra

6. Ardra Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Ardra Nakshatra Animal is Female Dog (Shwaan)


  1. Loyalty, devotion, and protectiveness.
  2. Intelligence, alertness, and intuition.
  3. Playfulness, enthusiasm, and joyfulness.
  4. Symbol of friendship, companionship, and love.
  5. Ability to adapt to different situations and environments.


  1. Can be overly protective
  2. May be prone to anxiety
  3. Can be stubborn or resistant to change
  4. May struggle with socialization or trust issues
  5. Can be easily distracted or restless

Aridra or Ardra Nakshatra

7. Punarvasu Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Punarvasu Nakshatra Animal is Female Cat.


  1. Independence, grace, and elegance.
  2. Intelligence, curiosity, and creativity.
  3. Playfulness, affection, and loyalty.
  4. Symbol of good luck, prosperity, and fortune.
  5. Ability to adapt to different situations and environments.


  1. Can be aloof or distant
  2. May be prone to mood swings or unpredictability
  3. Can be stubborn or resistant to change
  4. May struggle with socialization or trust issues
  5. Can be easily distracted or disinterested

Punarvasu Nakshatra

8. Pushya Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Pushya Nakshatra Animal is a goat.


  1. Resourcefulness, adaptability, and perseverance.
  2. Intelligence, curiosity, and creativity.
  3. Playful, loving, and affectionate nature.
  4. Strong sense of community and family.
  5. Symbol of fertility, abundance, and prosperity.


  1. Can be indecisive or easily distracted.
  2. May struggle with commitment or follow-through.
  3. Can be prone to anxiety or worry.
  4. May have a tendency to be critical.
  5. Can be stubborn or resistant to change.

Pushya Nakshatra

9. Ashlesha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Ashlesha Nakshatra Animal is a Female Cat


  1. Intelligence, intuition, and adaptability.
  2. Resourcefulness, creativity, and innovation.
  3. Grace, elegance, and charm.
  4. Symbol of power, protection, and transformation.
  5. Ability to navigate through complex situations.


  1. Can be secretive or manipulative.
  2. May struggle with trust or vulnerability.
  3. Can be prone to possessiveness.
  4. May have a tendency to hold grudges.
  5. Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks.

Ashlesha Nakshatra

10. Magha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Magha Nakshatra Animal is a Mouse or a Rat.


  1. Intelligence, resourcefulness, and adaptability.
  2. Playfulness, curiosity, and innovation.
  3. Attention to detail and strong work ethic.
  4. Symbol of agility, speed, and quick thinking.
  5. Ability to navigate through challenges and obstacles.


  1. Can be prone to anxiety or nervousness.
  2. May struggle with trust or vulnerability.
  3. Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks.
  4. May have a tendency to be critical
  5. Can be prone to procrastination

Magha Nakshatra

11. Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra Animal is a Mouse or a Female Rat.


  1. Adaptable: Easily adjusts to new situations.
  2. Resourceful: Finds solutions in challenging circumstances.
  3. Social: Enjoys the company of others, builds connections.
  4. Quick-witted: Thinks and reacts fast, often outsmarting obstacles.
  5. Observant: Notices details and patterns, helping to make informed decisions.


  1. Timid: May struggle with confrontation or expressing opinions.
  2. Insecurity: Prone to self-doubt and anxiety.
  3. Over-cautious: May miss opportunities due to excessive risk-aversion.
  4. Possessive: Can struggle with sharing or letting go of control.
  5. Indecisive: May waver when faced with difficult choices.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

12. UttaraPhalguni Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Uttara-Phalguni Nakshatra Animal is a Bull


  1. Determined: Strong-willed, persistent in pursuing goals.
  2. Reliable: Trustworthy and dependable in various situations.
  3. Protective: Defends loved ones and values with courage.
  4. Patient: Can endure difficulties and wait for favorable outcomes.
  5. Industrious: Hardworking and committed to achieving success.


  1. Stubborn: Difficulty accepting change or others’ opinions.
  2. Dominating: Can be overly controlling or assertive in relationships.
  3. Rigid: Struggles to adapt to new circumstances or ideas.
  4. Jealous: May feel threatened by others’ achievements or attention.
  5. Short-tempered: Prone to sudden outbursts, impacting relationships.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

13. Hasta Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Hasta Nakshatra Animal is a Female Cow / Buffalo


  1. Nurturing: Caring and supportive, fostering growth in others.
  2. Resilient: Handles adversity with strength and perseverance.
  3. Stable: Provides a sense of reliability and consistency.
  4. Team player: Cooperates well in group settings, working towards common goals.
  5. Intuitive: Possesses strong instincts, often guiding wise decisions.


  1. Overly cautious: May miss opportunities due to excessive risk aversion.
  2. Possessive: Can struggle with sharing or letting go of control.
  3. Ruminative: Tendency to dwell on past events or setbacks.
  4. Stubborn: Difficulty adapting to change or accepting alternative viewpoints.
  5. Slow-paced: May struggle to keep up with fast-moving situations or demands.

Hasta Nakshatra

14. Chitra Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Chitra Nakshatra Animal is a Female Tiger


  1. Confident: Assertive and self-assured in various situations.
  2. Independent: Resourceful and self-reliant, able to make decisions autonomously.
  3. Courageous: Fearless in facing challenges and taking risks.
  4. Charismatic: Naturally attracts others with magnetic personality and charm.
  5. Strategic: Skilled in planning and executing well-thought-out actions.


  1. Impulsive: May act without considering consequences or alternatives.
  2. Dominant: Can be overly controlling or assertive in relationships.
  3. Restless: Struggles to remain content in routine or monotonous situations.
  4. Overconfident: Prone to underestimating obstacles or competitors.
  5. Intolerant: Difficulty accepting others’ viewpoints or beliefs.

Chitra Nakshatra

15. Swati Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Swati Nakshatra Animal is a Buffalo.


  1. Resilient: Possesses the ability to withstand adversity and persevere.
  2. Hardworking: Committed to achieving goals through diligent effort.
  3. Stable: Provides a sense of reliability and consistency.
  4. Tenacious: Unyielding in the pursuit of objectives, overcoming obstacles.
  5. Patient: Able to endure challenges and wait for favorable outcomes.


  1. Stubborn: Struggles to accept change or others’ opinions.
  2. Rigid: Has difficulty adapting to new circumstances or ideas.
  3. Overly cautious: May miss opportunities due to excessive risk aversion.
  4. Slow-paced: Can struggle to keep up with fast-moving situations or demands.
  5. Possessive: May have difficulty sharing or relinquishing control.

Swati Nakshatra

16. Vishakha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Vishakha Nakshatra Animal is a Male Tiger.


  1. Courageous: Fearlessly confronts challenges and takes risks.
  2. Confident: Self-assured and assertive in various situations.
  3. Independent: Resourceful and self-reliant, capable of making autonomous decisions.
  4. Charismatic: Attracts others with a magnetic personality and charm.
  5. Strategic thinker: Skilled in devising and executing well-planned actions.


  1. Impulsive: May act hastily without considering consequences or alternatives.
  2. Dominant: Can be overly controlling or assertive in relationships.
  3. Restless: Struggles with contentment in routine or monotonous situations.
  4. Overconfident: Prone to underestimating obstacles or competition.
  5. Intolerant: Has difficulty accepting differing viewpoints or beliefs.

Vishakha Nakshatra

17. Anuradha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Anuradha Nakshatra Animal is a Deer.


  1. Agile: Quick and graceful in movement and decision-making.
  2. Adaptable: Easily adjusts to new environments and situations.
  3. Alert: Highly observant and attentive to surroundings.
  4. Friendly: Naturally sociable, building connections with ease.
  5. Creative: Possesses a vivid imagination and innovative thinking.


  1. Timid: May struggle with confrontation or expressing opinions.
  2. Indecisive: Can waver when faced with challenging choices.
  3. Vulnerable: Prone to feeling threatened or insecure in difficult situations.
  4. Over-sensitive: May be easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights.
  5. Fickle: Struggles with maintaining focus or commitment to a single goal.

Anuradha Nakshatra

18. Jyeshtha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Jyeshtha Nakshatra Animal is a Male Deer .


  1. Agile: Quick and graceful in movement and decision-making.
  2. Adaptable: Easily adjusts to new environments and situations.
  3. Observant: Attentive to surroundings, noticing details and patterns.
  4. Sociable: Naturally friendly, building connections with ease.
  5. Creative: Possesses a vivid imagination and innovative thinking.


  1. Timid: May struggle with confrontation or expressing opinions.
  2. Indecisive: Can waver when faced with challenging choices.
  3. Vulnerable: Prone to feeling threatened or insecure in difficult situations.
  4. Over-sensitive: May be easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights.
  5. Fickle: Struggles with maintaining focus or commitment to a single goal.

Jyeshta Nakshatra

19. Moola Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Moola Nakshatra Animal is a Male Dog.


  1. Loyal: Trustworthy and devoted to friends and loved ones.
  2. Protective: Vigilantly defends those in their care from harm.
  3. Intuitive: Possesses strong instincts, guiding wise decisions.
  4. Persistent: Demonstrates determination and tenacity when pursuing goals.
  5. Adaptable: Capable of adjusting to new situations and environments.


  1. Anxious: Prone to worry and stress in uncertain situations.
  2. Sensitive: May be easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights.
  3. Overly cautious: Tendency to miss opportunities due to risk aversion.
  4. Skeptical: Struggles to trust others, sometimes leading to isolation.

Mool Nakshatra

20. Purva-Ashadha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Purva-Ashadha Nakshatra Animal is a Male Monkey.


  1. Intelligent: Quick-thinking and adept at problem-solving.
  2. Adaptable: Easily adjusts to new situations and environments.
  3. Social: Enjoys the company of others, building connections with ease.
  4. Innovative: Creative thinker, able to generate unique solutions.
  5. Agile: Swift and nimble in movement and decision-making.


  1. Impulsive: May act hastily without considering consequences or alternatives.
  2. Mischievous: Prone to engaging in playful but potentially harmful behavior.
  3. Restless: Struggles with contentment in routine or monotonous situations.
  4. Manipulative: Can be deceitful or insincere in pursuit of personal gain.
  5. Distractible: Difficulty maintaining focus or commitment to a single goal.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

21. Uttara-AshadhaNakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Uttara-Ashadha Nakshatra Animal is a Male Mungoose.


  1. Courageous: Fearlessly confronts challenges and dangers.
  2. Resourceful: Quick-thinking and adept at finding solutions.
  3. Adaptable: Capable of adjusting to new situations and environments.
  4. Alert: Highly observant and attentive to surroundings.
  5. Independent: Self-reliant and able to make decisions autonomously.


  1. Aggressive: Prone to confrontational behavior or outbursts.
  2. Territorial: May struggle with sharing or relinquishing control.
  3. Impulsive: Tendency to act without considering consequences or alternatives.
  4. Aloof: Can appear distant or detached, making relationships difficult.

Uttara Shadha Nakshatra

22. Shravan Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Shravan Nakshatra Animal is a Female Monkey .


  1. Intelligent: Quick-thinking and proficient in problem-solving.
  2. Adaptable: Capable of adjusting to new situations and environments.
  3. Social: Enjoys the company of others, building connections with ease.
  4. Creative: Generates innovative ideas and unique solutions.
  5. Agile: Swift and nimble in movement and decision-making.


  1. Impulsive: May act hastily without considering consequences or alternatives.
  2. Mischievous: Prone to engaging in playful but potentially harmful behavior.
  3. Restless: Struggles with contentment in routine or monotonous situations.
  4. Manipulative: Can be deceitful or insincere in pursuit of personal gain.
  5. Distractible: Difficulty maintaining focus or commitment to a single goal.

Shravan Nakshatra

23. Dhanishtha Nakshatra Animal / Dhanishtha Nakshatra Yoni :

Dhanishtha Nakshatra Animal is a Lion.


  1. Confident: Assertive and self-assured in various situations.
  2. Courageous: Fearless in facing challenges and taking risks.
  3. Charismatic: Attracts others with a magnetic personality and charm.
  4. Leadership: Naturally assumes a leading role and guides others.
  5. Determined: Persistent and tenacious in pursuing goals.


  1. Dominant: Can be overly controlling or assertive in relationships.
  2. Stubborn: Difficulty adapting to change or accepting alternative viewpoints.
  3. Impatient: Struggles to wait for favorable outcomes or to consider others’ needs.
  4. Prideful: Prone to overconfidence or arrogance, leading to mistakes.
  5. Intolerant: Difficulty accepting differing viewpoints or beliefs.

Dhanishta Nakshatra

24. Shatabhisha Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Shatabhisha Nakshatra Animal is a Female Horse


  1. Energetic: Enthusiastic and driven, always on the move.
  2. Independent: Self-reliant and able to make decisions autonomously.
  3. Adaptable: Capable of adjusting to new situations and environments.
  4. Social: Enjoys the company of others, making connections with ease.
  5. Ambitious: Possesses a strong desire for success and achievement.


  1. Impulsive: May act hastily without considering consequences or alternatives.
  2. Restless: Struggles with contentment in routine or monotonous situations.
  3. Fickle: Difficulty maintaining focus or commitment to a single goal.
  4. Overconfident: Prone to underestimating obstacles or competition.
  5. Impatient: Struggles to wait for favorable outcomes or to consider others’ needs.

Shatibhisha Nakshatra

25. Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra Animal is a Male Lion.   


  1. Confident: Assertive and self-assured in various situations.
  2. Courageous: Fearless in facing challenges and taking risks.
  3. Charismatic: Attracts others with a magnetic personality and charm.
  4. Leadership: Naturally assumes a leading role and guides others.
  5. Determined: Persistent and tenacious in pursuing goals.


  1. Dominant: Can be overly controlling or assertive in relationships.
  2. Stubborn: Difficulty adapting to change or accepting alternative viewpoints.
  3. Impatient: Struggles to wait for favorable outcomes or to consider others’ needs.
  4. Prideful: Prone to overconfidence or arrogance, leading to mistakes.
  5. Intolerant: Difficulty accepting differing viewpoints or beliefs.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

26. Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra Animal is a Female Cow.  



  1. Nurturing: Caring and supportive, providing emotional stability to others.
  2. Reliable: Trustworthy and consistent in actions and decisions.
  3. Patient: Willing to wait for favorable outcomes and consider others’ needs.
  4. Resilient: Capable of overcoming obstacles and adapting to change.
  5. Gentle: Possesses a calm and kind demeanor, creating harmony in relationships.


  1. Stubborn: Difficulty adapting to change or accepting alternative viewpoints.
  2. Overly cautious: Tendency to miss opportunities due to risk aversion.
  3. Passive: May struggle to assert oneself or express opinions.
  4. Sensitive: Easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights.
  5. Overly dependent: Can rely too much on others for support or guidance.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

26. Revati Nakshatra Animal (Yoni)

Revati Nakshatra Animal is a Female Elephant .   


  1. Wise: Possesses deep understanding and knowledge, often guiding others.
  2. Loyal: Trustworthy and devoted to friends and loved ones.
  3. Protective: Vigilantly defends those in their care from harm.
  4. Resilient: Capable of overcoming obstacles and adapting to change.
  5. Gentle: Possesses a calm and kind demeanor, creating harmony in relationships.


  1. Stubborn: Difficulty adapting to change or accepting alternative viewpoints.
  2. Sensitive: Easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights.
  3. Slow to act: May hesitate when faced with challenges or decisions.
  4. Overprotective: Can restrict growth or independence in others.

Revati Nakshatra

If you know your nakshatra, you will get to know the animal associated with it from the table below. Just observe the traits of that animal. Upon reflection, you will be able to know how they match your personality.

 NakshatraNakshatra Animal /  Nakshatra Yoni
1Ashwini Horse
2Bharni Elephant
5MrigasiraFemale Serpent
6ArdraFemale Dog
7PunarvasuFemale Cat
9AshleshaFemale Cat
10MaghaMouse / Rat
11PoorvaPhalguniMouse / Rat
12UttaraPhalguni Male Cow (Bull)
14Chitra Female Tiger
16VishakhaMale Tiger
18Jyeshtha Male Deer
19MoolaMale Dog
20PoorvaShadhaMale Monkey
21UttaraShadhaMale Mungoose
22ShravanFemale Monkey
24ShatabhishaFemale Horse
25PoorvaBhadrapadaMale Lion
26UttaraBhadrapadaFemale Cow

Nakshatra and Animals

Here is a list of Animals and the nakshatra associated with them :

Horse:Ashwini, Shatabhisha
Elephant:Bharani, Revati
Goat:Krittika, Pushya
Serpent:Rohini, Mrigashirsha
Dog:Ardra, Mula
Cat:Punarvasu, Ashlesha
Rat:Magha, PurvaPhalguni
Cow:UttaraPhalguni, UttaraBhadrapada
Buffalo:Hasta, Swati
Tiger:Chitra, Vishakha
Deer:Anuradha, Jyeshta
Monkey:Purvashadha, Shravan
LionDhanistha, PurvaBhadrapada

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