Nakshatra in Astrology
Nakshatra play a pivotal tole in vedic astrology. Ever met two people having same rashi, who have very different characteristics? This can be very common. The reason being, their nakshatras are different.
For example, Scorpio or vruschika rashi consists of the 3 nakshatras – Vishakha, Anuradha and Jyeshtha. But the characteristics of the natives of the 3 nakshatras are very different. Hence, it is very important to know each nakshatra in detail.
The Meaning of Nakshatra or Constellation in Astrology
In Vedic Astrology, the 12 Rashis or Signs are divided into 27 sections. Each Section is called Nakshatra or Constellation. Every Nakshatra or constellation section is 13 degrees and 20 minutes long. Each Rashi or Sign contains 2 and ¼ nakshatra. Nakshatra in Astrology define the personality traits of a person and his luck.
Further, each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts, which are called as Nakshatra Padas. In all, there are 108 Nakshatra padas.
The first Nakshatra of the 27 Nakshatras is Ashwini. It falls in Aries (Mesha Rashi). The Last nakshatra is Revati Nakshatra. It falls in Pisces (Meena Rashi).
The nakshatra in which moon falls at the time of birth is called janma Nakshatra. This janma nakshatra defines the nature of the person. It is also used to evaluate good and bad periods in the life of a person based on nakshatra Tara Chakra.
Work to be done on different Nakshatras
Every nakshatra has a nature. What work can be done on which nakshatra depends on this nature. The table below illustrates the nature of each nakshatra and work to be done on that nakshatra –
Sthira Nakshatra
Suitable for Following Work: All that you want to last for a long time is done on sthira nakshatra. Example: Marriage, long term investments
Chara Nakashatra
Suitable for Following Work: These nakshatras help you move ahead. Also, events don on these nakshatras are repeated. This is suitable for buying vehicles.
Maitra Nakshatra:
Suitable for Following Work: This nakshatra is used for developing new relationships, starting new things.
Laghu or Kshipra Nakshatra
Suitable for Following Work: These nakshatras are good the give and take. The things done on these nakshatras give results in a short time. Hence medicines should be taken on laghu nakshatras.
Kroor or Agra Nakshatra
Suitable for Following Work: Surgeries are done on kroor nakshatras. Also, plotting against enemies can be done on these nakshatras. These nakshatras help you overcome you normal abilities and work beyond your capacities.
Teekshna or Darun Nakshatra
Suitable for Following Work: These nakshatras are suitable for plotting against enemies, getting your work done at any cost, kriyas replated to the demised.
Mishra or Sadharan Nakshatra
Suitable for Following Work: These nakshatras are suitable for religious work and yadna
1. In any natal chart, the planets in the nakshatras of 6th, 8th, 12th and badhak sthana become unauspicious
2. The planets in the nakshatras of 1st, 5th, 9th and 10th house become auspicious
Nakshatra List with 27 Nakshatra Names:
1 )Ashwini, 2) Bharani , 3) Krittika, 4) Rohini, 5) Mrigasira , 6) Ardra , 7) Punarvasu , 8) Pushya , 9) Ashlesha,, 10) Magha, 11) PoorvaPhalguni , 12) UttaraPhalguni , 13) Hasta , 14) Chitra , 15) Swati , 16) Vishakha , 17) Anuradha , 18) Jyeshta , 19) Mool , 20) PoorvaShadha , 21) UttaraShadha , 22) Shravan , 23) Dhanishtha, 24) Shatataraka , 25) PoorvaBhadrapada , 26) UttaraBhadrapada , 27) Revati
Overview of 27 Nakshatra in Astrology:
Ashwini Nakshatra : 1st Nakshatra

- Symbol of Ashwini Nakshatra is Head of Horse
- The Nakshatra Lord of Ashwini Nakshatra is Ketu
- Ashwini Nakshatra is the First Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Start Associated with this Nakshatras are β and γArietis
- Diety of Ashwini Nakshatra : Ashwini Kumaras, they are horse headed twins who are physicians to the gods
- More about Ashwini Nakshatra here ….
Bharani Nakshatra : 2nd Nakshatra

- Symbol of Bharni Nakshatra is Yoni (female reproductive organ)
- The Nakshatra Lord of Bharni Nakshatra is Venus
- Bharni Nakshatra is the Second Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Start Associated with this Nakshatras are 35, 39, and 41 Arietis
- Diety of Bharni Nakshatra : Yama, god of death, or Dharma
- More about Bharni Nakshatra here ….
Krittika Nakshatra – 3rd Nakshatra

- Symbol of Krittika Nakshatra is Knife
- The Nakshatra Lord of Krittika Nakshatra is Sun
- Krittika Nakshatra is the Third Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are Pleiades
- Diety of Krittika Nakshatra : Agni, god of fire
- More about Krittika Nakshatra here ….
Rohini Nakshatra – 4th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Rohini Nakshatra is Cart or Chariot
- The Nakshatra Lord of Rohini Nakshatra is Moon
- Rohini Nakshatra is the Fourth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Aldebaran
- Diety of Rohini Nakshatra : Brahma, or Prajapati, the creator
- More about Rohini Nakshatra here ….
Mrigasira Nakshatra – 5th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Mrigashira Nakshatra is Cart or Chariot
- The Nakshatra Lord of Mrigashira Nakshatra is Mars
- Mrigashira Nakshatra is the FifthNakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are λ, φ Orionis
- Diety of Mrigashira Nakshatra : Soma, the Moon god
- More about Mrigashira Nakshatra here ….
Aridra or Ardra Nakshatra – 6th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Ardra Nakshatra is a Teardrop
- The Nakshatra Lord of Mrigashira Nakshatra is Rahu
- Mrigashira Nakshatra is the Sixth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Betelgeuse
- Diety of Mrigashira Nakshatra : Rudra the storm god, a form of Shiva.
- More about Aridra Nakshatra here ….
Punarvasu Nakshatra – 7th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Punarvasu Nakshatra is Bow and quiver
- The Nakshatra Lord of Punarvasu Nakshatra is Jupiter
- Punarvasu Nakshatra is the Seventh Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are Castor and Pollux
- Diety of Mrigashira Nakshatra : Aditi, the mother of the gods
- More about Punarvasu Nakshatra here ….
Pushya Nakshatra – 8th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Pushya Nakshatra is Cow’s udder
- The Nakshatra Lord of Pushya Nakshatra is Saturn
- Pushya Nakshatra is the Eighth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are γ, δ and θCancri
- Diety of Pushya Nakshatra : Brihaspati, (Jupiter) the priest of the gods
- More about Pushya Nakshatra here ….
Ashlesha Nakshatra – 9th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Ashlesha Nakshatra is Serpent
- The Nakshatra Lord of Ashlesha Nakshatra is Budha (Mercury)
- Ashlesha Nakshatra is the Nineth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are δ, ε, η, ρ, and σHydrae
- Diety of Ashlesha Nakshatra : Sarpas, or the Nagas
- More about Ashlesha Nakshatra here ….
Magha Nakshatra – 10th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Magha Nakshatra is Royal Throne
- The Nakshatra Lord of Magha Nakshatra is Ketu (Dragon’s Tail)
- Magha Nakshatra is the Tenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Regulus
- Diety of Magha Nakshatra : Pitras, family ancestors
- More about Magha Nakshatra here ....
Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra : 11th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is Front legs of bed
- The Nakshatra Lord of Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is Venus
- Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is the Eleventh Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are δ and θLeonis
- Diety of Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra : Bhaga god of Marital bliss
- More about Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra here ….
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra : 12th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is Four legs of bed
- The Nakshatra Lord of Uttara Nakshatra is Sun
- Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the Twelth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Denebola
- Diety of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra : Aryaman, one of the Adityas
- More about Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra here ….
Hasta Nakshatra – 13th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Hasta Nakshatra is Hand or fist
- The Nakshatra Lord of Hasta Nakshatra is Moon
- Hasta Nakshatra is the Thirteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α, β, γ, δand ε Corvi
- Diety of Hasta Nakshatra : Savitri or Surya
- More about Hasta Nakshatra here ….
Chitra Nakshatra – 14th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Chitra Nakshatra is Bright jewel
- The Nakshatra Lord of Chitra Nakshatra is Mars
- Chitra Nakshatra is the Fourteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Spica
- Diety of Chitra Nakshatra : Vishvakarma the architect of Goda
- More about Chitra Nakshatra here ….
Swati Nakshatra – 15th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Swati Nakshatra is Shoot of plant, coral
- The Nakshatra Lord of Swati Nakshatra is Rahu
- Swati Nakshatra is the Fifteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Arcturus
- Diety of SwatiNakshatra : Vayu, the wind god
- More about Swati Nakshatra here ….
Vishakha Nakshatra : 16th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Vishakhai Nakshatra is Triumphal arch
- The Nakshatra Lord of Vishakha Nakshatra is Jupiter
- Vishakha Nakshatra is the Sixteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α, β, γ and ιLibrae
- Diety of Vishakha Nakshatra : Indagni (Indra and Agni)
- More about Vishakha Nakshatra here ….
Anuradha Nakshatra : 17th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra is lotus
- The Nakshatra Lord of Anuradha Nakshatra is Saturn
- Anuraadha Nakshatra is the Seventh Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are β, δ and πScorpionis
- Diety of Anuradha Nakshatra : Mitra (Aditya), responsibe for Friendship
- More about Anuradha Nakshatra here ….
Jyeshta Nakshatra : 18th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Jyeshtha Nakshatra is circular amulet
- The Nakshatra Lord of Jyeshtha Nakshatra is Mercury
- Jyeshtha Nakshatra is the Eighteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α, σ, and τScorpionis
- Diety of Jyeshtha Nakshatra : Indra, the chief of Gods
- More about Jyeshtha Nakshatra here ….
Mool Nakshatra : Nineteenth Nakshatra

- Symbol of Moola Nakshatra is Bunch of roots tied together
- The Nakshatra Lord of Moola Nakshatra is Mercury
- Moola Nakshatra is the Nineteenth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ and νScorpionis
- Diety of Jyeshtha Nakshatra : Nirriti, the god of destruction
- More about Moola Nakshatra here ….
PoorvaShadha Nakshatra : 20th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Poorva Shadha Nakshatra is Elephant tusk r
- The Nakshatra Lord of Poorva Shadha Nakshatra is Venus
- Poorva Shadha Nakshatra is the Twentieth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are δ and εSagittarii ι, κ, λ, μ and νScorpionis
- Diety of Poorva Shadha Nakshatra : Apah, god of Water
- More about Poorva Shadha Nakshatra here ….
UttaraShadha Nakshatra : 21st Nakshatra

- Symbol of Uttara Shadha Nakshatra is Elephant tusk
- The Nakshatra Lord of Uttara Shadha Nakshatra is Sun
- Uttara Shadha Nakshatra is the Twenty First Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are ζ and σSagittarii
- Diety of Uttara Shadha Nakshatra : Vishwadevas
- More about Uttara Shadha Nakshatra here ….
Shravan Nakshatra : 22nd Nakshatra

- Symbol of Shravan Nakshatra is Ear
- The Nakshatra Lord of Shravan Nakshatra is Moon
- Shravan Nakshatra is the Twenty Second Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α, β and γAquilae
- Diety of Shravan Nakshatra : Vishnu
- More about Shravan Nakshatra here ….
Dhanishtha Nakshatra : 23rd Nakshatra

- Symbol of Dhanishtha Nakshatra is Ear
- The Nakshatra Lord of Dhanishtha Nakshatra is Moon
- Dhanishtha Nakshatra is the Twenty Third Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α to δ Delphini
- Diety of Dhanishtha Nakshatra : Eight Vasus
- More about Dhanishtha Nakshatra here ….
Shatataraka or Shatibhisha Nakshatra : 24th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Shatabhisha Nakshatra is 1000 flowers or stars
- The Nakshatra Lord of Shatabhisha Nakshatra is Rahu
- Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the Twenty Fourth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is Sadachbia
- Diety of Shatabhisha Nakshatra : Varuna
- More about Shatabhisha Nakshatra here ….
PoorvaBhadrapada Nakshatra : 25th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is two front legs of funeral cot
- The Nakshatra Lord of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Jupiter
- Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the Twenty Fifth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are α and βPegasi
- Diety of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra : Varuna
- More about Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra here ….
UttaraBhadrapada Nakshatra : 26th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is back legs of funeral cot
- The Nakshatra Lord of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Saturn
- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the Twenty Sixth Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras are γ Pegasiand αAndromedae
- Diety of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra : Ahir Budhyana, serpent or dragon of the deep
- More about Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra here ….
Revati Nakshatra : 27th Nakshatra

- Symbol of Revati Nakshatra is Fish
- The Nakshatra Lord of Revati Nakshatra is Mercuty
- Revati Nakshatra is the Twenty Seventh Nakshatra, out of the 27 nakshatra
- The Stars Associated with this Nakshatras is ζ Piscium
- Diety of Revati Nakshatra : Pushan, the Nourisher
- More about Revati Nakshatra here ….
Rasi and Nakshatra list
As discussed above, the12 Rashis or Signs are divided into 27 nakshatras. Each Rashi consists of 2 and 1/4 nakshatras. Here is a complete Rasi and Nakshatra List.
Mesha Rashi (Aries) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Mesha Rashi (Aries): Ashwini, Bharni, Krittiha Nakshatra
Ashwini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi: (Padas – 1,2,3,4).
- All 4 padas of Ashwini Nakshatras fall in Mesha Raashi (Aries).
- Ashwini Nashatra spans from 0 degrees in Mesha to 13.20 degrees in Mesha Rashi
Bharni Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi: (Padas – 1,2,3,4).
- All 4 padas of Bharni Nakshatras fall in Mesha Raashi (Aries).
- Bharni Nashatra spans from 13:20 degrees in Mesha to 26:40 degrees in Mesha Rashi
Krittika Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi: (Padas – 1).
- Only padas of Krittika Nakshatras fall in Mesha Raashi (Aries).
- Krittika Nakshatra spans from 1 26-40′ in Mesha (Aries) to 10-00′ in Vrishabha (Taurus)
Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus): Krittiha, Rohini, Mrigasira Nakshatra
Krittika Nakshatra in Vrushabha: Rashi (Taurus) (Padas – 2, 3, 4).
- 3 padas of Krittika Nakshatras fall in Vrushanha Raashi (Taurus).
- Krittika Nakshatra spans from 1 26-40′ in Mesha (Aries) to 10-00′ in Vrishabha (Taurus)
Rohini Nakshatra in Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All 4 padas of Rohini Nakshatras fall in Vrushanha Raashi (Taurus).
- Rohini Nakshatra spans from 10-00 degrees in Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus) to 23-20′ in Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus).
Mrigasira or Mriga Nakshatra in Vrushabha Rashi (Taurus): (Padas – 1, 2).
- Only first 2 padas of Mrigasira or Mriga Nakshatras fall in Vrushanha Raashi (Taurus).
- Mrigasira Nakshatra spans from 23:20 in Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus) to 6:40 degrees in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini)
Mithuna Rashi (Gemini) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini): Mrigasira, Aridra and Punarvasu Nakshatra
Mrigasira or Mriga Nakshatra in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini): (Padas – 3,4).
- The last 2 padas of Mrigasira or Mriga Nakshatras fall in Mithuna Raashi (Gemini).
- Mrigasira Nakshatra spans from 23:20 in Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus) to 6:40 degrees in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini)
Aridra or Aridra Nakshatra in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini): (Padas – 1,2,3,4).
- All 4 padas of Aridra or Ardra Nakshatras fall in Mithuna Raashi (Gemini).
- Aridra Nakshatra spans from 6° 40′ Mithuna Rashi (Gemini) to 20° in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini)
Punarvasu Nakshatra in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini): (Padas – 1,2,3).
- First 3 padas of Punarvasu Nakshatras fall in Mithuna Raashi (Gemini).
- Punarvasu Nakshatra spans from 20.00 in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini) to 3.20 in Karna Rashi (Cancer)
Karka Rashi (Cancer) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Karka Rashi (Cancer): Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha Nakshatra
Punarvasu Nakshatra in Karka Rashi (Cancer): (Pada 4).
- Last 1 pada of Punarvasu Nakshatras fall in Karka Raashi (Cancer).
- Punarvasu Nakshatra spans from 20.00 in Mithuna Rashi (Gemini) to 3.20 in Karna Rashi (Cancer)
Pushya Nakshatra in Karka Rashi (Cancer): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All 4 pada of Pushya Nakshatras fall in Karka Raashi (Cancer).
- Pushya Nakshatra spans from 03.20 in Karna Rashi (Cancer) to 16.40 degrees in Karna Rashi (Cancer)
Ashlesha Nakshatra in Karka Rashi (Cancer): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All 4 pada of Ashlesha Nakshatras fall in Karka Rashi (Cancer).
- Ashlesha Nakshatra spans from 16.40 degrees in Karna Rashi (Cancer) to 30.00 degrees in Karna Rashi (Cancer)
Simha Rashi (Leo) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Simha Rashi (Leo): Magha, Poorva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Magha Nakshatra in Simha Rashi (Leo): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All 4 pada of Magha Nakshatras fall in Simha Rashi (Leo).
- Magha Nakshatra spans from 0:0 degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo) to 13.20 degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo)
Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra in Simha Rashi (Leo): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All 4 pada of Poorva Phalguni Nakshatras fall in Simha Rashi (Leo).
- Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra spans from 13-20′ degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo) to 26-30′ degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo)
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Simha Rashi (Leo): (Padas – 1).
- Only first pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatras fall in Simha Rashi (Leo).
- Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra spans from 26-40′ degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo) to 10-00′ degrees Kanya Rashi (Virgo)
Kanya Rashi (Virgo) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Kanya Rashi (Virgo): Uttara Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra Nakshatra
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Kanya Rashi (Virgo): (Padas – 2, 3, 4).
- Padas 2, 3, 4 of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatras fall in Virgo Rashi (Leo).
- Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra spans from 26-40′ degrees in Simha Rashi (Leo) to 10-00′ degrees Kanya Rashi (Virgo)
Hasta Nakshatra in Kanya Rashi (Virgo): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- Padas 1, 2, 3, 4 of Hasta Nakshatras fall in Virgo Rashi (Virgo).
- Hasta Nakshatra spans from 10-00′ degrees in Kanya Rashi (Virgo) to 23-20′degrees in Kanya Rashi (Virgo).
Chitra Nakshatra in Kanya Rashi (Virgo): (Padas – 1, 2).
- Padas 1, 2 of Chitra Nakshatras fall in Virgo Rashi (Kanya).
- Chitra Nakshatra spans from 23:20’ degrees in Kanya Rashi (Virgo) to 6:40’ degrees in Kanya Rashi (Libra)
Tula Rashi (Libra) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Tula Rashi (Libra): Chitra, Swati and Vishakha Nakshatra
Chitra Nakshatra in Tula Rashi (Libra): (Padas – 3, 4).
- Padas 3, 4 of Chitra Nakshatras fall in Tula Rashi (Libra).
- Chitra Nakshatra spans from 23:20’ degrees in Kanya Rashi (Virgo) to 6:40’ degrees in Kanya Rashi (Libra)
Swati Nakshatra in Tula Rashi (Libra): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- Padas 1, 2, 3, 4 of Swati Nakshatras fall in Tula Rashi (Libra).
- Swati Nakshatra spans from 6-40 degrees in Tula Rashi (Libra) to 20-20′ degrees in Tula Rashi (Libra)
Vishakha Nakshatra in Tula Rashi (Libra): (Padas – 1, 2, 3).
- Padas 1, 2, 3 of Vishakha Nakshatras fall in Tula Rashi (Libra).
- Vishakha Nakshatra spans from 20-00 degrees in Tula Rashi (Libra0 to 3-20′ degrees in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio)
Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Vruschik Rashi (Scorpio): Vishakha, Anuradha and Jyeththa Nakshatra
Vishakha Nakshatra in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio): (Padas – ).
- Only the last pada of Vishakha Nakshatras fall in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio).
- Vishakha Nakshatra spans from 20-00 degrees in Tula Rashi (Libra0 to 3-20′ degrees in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio)
Anuradha Nakshatra in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4 ).
- All four padas of Anuradha Nakshatras fall in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio).
- Anuradha Nakshatra spans from 3:20’ in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio) to 16”40’ degrees in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio)
Jyeshtha Nakshatra in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4 ).
- All four padas of Jyeshtha Nakshatras fall in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio).
- Jyeshtha Nakshatra spans from 16:40’ degrees in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio) up to 30: 00’ degrees in Vruschika Rashi (Scorpio)
Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): Mool, Poorva Shadha and Uttara Shadha Nakshatra
Mool Nakshatra in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4 ).
- All four padas of Mool Nakshatras fall in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).
- Mool Nakshatra spans from 0:00 degrees in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) to 13:20’ degrees in Dhanu rashi (Sagittarius)
Poorva Shadha Nakshatra in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4 ).
- All four padas of Poorva Shadha Nakshatras fall in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).
- Poorva Shadha Nakshatra spans from 13:20’ degrees in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) to 26”40’ degrees in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius)
Uttara Shadha Nakshatra in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): (Padas – 1 ).
- Only the first pada of Uttara Shadha Nakshatras falls in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).
- Uttara Shadha Nakshatra spans from 26:40’ degrees in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) to 10:00 degrees in Makar Rashi (Capricorn)
Makar Rashi (Capricorn) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): Uttara Shadha, Shravan and Dhanishtha Nakshatra
Uttara Shadha Nakshatra in Makara Rashi (Capricorn): (Padas – 2, 3, 4).
- Pada 2, 3, 4 of Uttara Shadha Nakshatras falls in Makara Rashi (Capricorn).
- Uttara Shadha Nakshatra spans from 26:40’ degrees in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) to 10:00 degrees in Makar Rashi (Capricorn)
Shravan Nakshatra in Makara Rashi (Capricorn): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4).
- All four padas of Shravan Nakshatras falls in Makara Rashi (Capricorn).
- Shravan Nakshatra spans from 10:00 degrees in Makar Rashi (Capricorn) to 23:20’ degrees in Makar Rashi (Capricorn)
Dhanishtha Nakshatra in Makara Rashi (Capricorn): (Padas – 1, 2).
- Padas 1 and 2 of Dhanishtha Nakshatras falls in Makara Rashi (Capricorn).
- Dhanishtha Nakshatra spans from 23:20 degrees in Makara Rashi (Capricorn) to 6:40’ degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius)
Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius): Dhanishatha, Shatabhisha and Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Dhanishtha Nakshatra in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius): (Padas – 3, 4)
- Padas 3 and 4 of Dhanishtha Nakshatras falls in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius).
- Dhanishtha Nakshatra spans from 23:20 degrees in Makara Rashi (Capricorn) to 6:40’ degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius)
Shatabhisha or Shatataraka Nakshatra in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4)
- All four Padas of Shatabhisha or Shatataraka Nakshatras falls in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius).
- Shatibhisha Nakshatra spans from 6:40 degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) to 20:00 degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius)
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius): (Padas – 1, 2, 3)
- Padas 1, 2 and 3 of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatras fall in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius).
- Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans from 20:00 degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) to 3:20’ degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces)
Meena Rashi (Pisces) consists of following Nakshatras:

Nakshatras in Meena Rashi (Kumbha): Poorva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Meena Rashi (Pisces): (Padas – 4)
- Only the last pada Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatras falls in Meena Rashi (Pisces).
- Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans from 20:00 degrees in Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) to 3:20’ degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces)
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Meena Rashi (Pisces): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4)
- All four padas Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras fall in Meena Rashi (Pisces).
- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans from 3:20′ degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces) to 16:40 degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces)
Revati Nakshatra in Meena Rashi (Pisces): (Padas – 1, 2, 3, 4)
- All four padas Revati Nakshatras fall in Meena Rashi (Pisces).
- Revati Nakshatra spans from 16:40 degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces) to 30:00 degrees in Meena Rashi (Pisces)
Complete list of Rasi and the Nakshatras associated with it
Rashi | Nakshatra 1 | Nakshatra 2 | Nakshatra 3 | |
1 | Mesh (Aries) | Ashwini (1,2,3,4) 0 degrees to 13.20 Mesha | Bharni (1,2,3,4) 13:20 Mesha to 26:40 Mesha | Kruttika (1) 26-40′ Mesha to 10-00′ Taurus |
2 | Vrushabh (Taurus) | Kruttika (2,3,4) 26-40′ in Mesha to 10-00′ in Taurus | Rohini (1,2,3,4) 10-00′ to 23-20′ Taurus. | Mruga (1,2) 23:20 in Vrishabha to 6:40 in Mithuna |
3 | Mithun (Gemini) | Mruga (3,4) 23:20 Vrishabha to 6:40 Mithuna | Adra (1,2,3,4) 6° 40′ Mithuna to 20° Mithuna | Punarvasu (1,2,3) 20.00 Gemini to 3.20 Cancer |
4 | Karka (Cancer) | Punarvasu (4) 20.00 in Gemini to 3.20 Cancer | Pushya (1,2,3,4) 03.20 Cancer to 16.40 Cancer | Ashlesha (1,2,3,4) 16.40 Cancer to 30.00 Cancer |
5 | Sinha (Leo) | Magha (1,2,3,4) 0:0 in Leo to 13.20 Leo | Poorva Phalguni (1,2,3,4) 13-20′ Leo to 26-30′ Leo | Uttara Phalguni (1) 26-40′ Leo to 10-00′ Virgo |
6 | Kanya (Virgo) | Uttara Phalguni (2,3,4) 26-40′ Leo to 10-00′ Virgo | Hasta (1,2,3,4) 10-00′ Virgo to 23-20′ Virgo | Chitra (1,2) 23:20’ Virgo to 6:40’ Libra |
7 | Tula (Libra) | Chitra (3,4) 23:20’ Virgo to 6:40’ Libra | Swati (1,2,3,4) 6-40 Libra to 20-20′ Libra | Vishakha (1,2,3) 20-00 Libra to 3-20′ Scorpio |
8 | Vruschik (Scorpio) | Vishakha (1) 20-00 Libra to 3-20′ Scorpio | Anuradha (1,2,3,4) 3:20’ Scorpio to 16”40’ Scorpio | Jyeshtha (1,2,3,4) 16:40’ Scorpio up to 30: 00’ Scorpio |
9 | Sagittarius (Dhanu) | Mool (1,2,3,4) 0:00 Sagittariu to 13:20’ Sagittarius | Poorva Shadha (1,2,3,4) 13:20’ Sagittarius to 26”40’ Sagittarius | Uttara Shadha(1) 26:40’ Sagittarius to 10:00 Capricorn |
10 | Makar (Capricorn) | Uttara Shadha (2,3,4) 26:40’ Sagittarius to 10:00 Capricorn | Shravan (1,2,3,4) 10:00 Capricorn to 23:20’ Capricorn | Dhanishtha (1,2) 23:20 Capricorn to 6:40’ Aquarius |
11 | Kumbha (Aquarius) | Dhanishtha (3,4) 23:20 Capricorn to 6:40’ Aquarius | Shatataraka (1,2,3,4) 6:40 Aquarius to 20:00 Aquarius | Poorva Bhadrapada (1,2,3) 20:00 Aquarius to 3:20’ Pisces |
12 | (Meena) Pisces | Poorva Bhadrapada (1) 20:00 Aquarius to 3:20’ Pisces | Uttara Bhadrapada (1,2,3,4) 3:20′ Pisces to 16:40 in Pisces | Revati (1,2,3,4) 16:40′ Pisces to 30 Pisces |