Scorpio in Love

Scorpio in Love

Scorpio Dates: October 23 to November 22

Scorpio is the most mysterious sign of the entire zodiac, which makes the relationship with him a difficult puzzle for a potential companion. Scorpios are distinguished by polar inclinations: their altruism can be combined with uniform egoism, emotionality with analytical calculation.

Moreover, these extreme qualities can be present in one person, introducing an element of unpredictability into the life of his partners. One thing is certain. Whatever side of Scorpio’s personality you face, it is unlikely that he will make any concessions. This is an absolutely independent and uncompromising sign.

Scorpio in Love

Like all water signs, his behavior has a strong emotional connotation. The influence of Water means that Scorpio’s love is very deep and does not lend itself well to logic. Sometimes his feelings can be compared to real obsession.

A whole ocean of passions can boil under the smooth surface of the water. Scorpios completely dissolves in love and can, under its influence, be transformed beyond recognition. Scorpios in love are passionate and jealous, but at the same time loyal and caring. When Scorpios are happy, they makes their partner feel like the most important person on the planet.

For the gifted Scorpio, love becomes a divine muse. Scorpio is able to brilliantly reflect his experiences in fine arts, poetry, music. They love theatrical performances, and their romance can develop into a sentimental melodrama. By nature, Scorpios are secretive and never divulges their own and other people’s secrets. A loved one can calmly entrust them with their most intimate secret.

Scorpio is so intuitive that he can easily guess the thoughts of others. This ability is enhanced when people live together for a long time. Sometimes Scorpios know what a person wants to say even before they open their mouth.

Who can Scorpio Marry

Taurus (82%)
Cancer (88%)
Virgo (75%)
Capricorn (72%)
Pisces (82%)

Scorpio in Relationship

Advantages of Scorpio Partner


If a scorpion gets down to business, then you can be sure that he will bring it to the end. When people born under this strong and mysterious sign want to achieve something, they will certainly achieve their intended goal.

Scorpios are extremely responsible, and this can be confirmed by their high hierarchical level in professional terms.


These are people who really enjoy life. They know how to appreciate what they have, they are happy to spend time with friends and loved ones.

The greatest value for them is home and family, but for old, good friends, there is always a place in the soul of a scorpion. They also provide reliable support and support for those around them who need their help.


An analytical mind helps scorpions achieve their goals. During their school years, they could well have failed to show their intellectual abilities, but their “skill” in life suggests that these people are by no means stupid. Their erudition and wonderful natural inclinations help to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situations, and also find the right solution even where the matter seems completely hopeless.


There is no problem for scorpions that cannot be solved. And they all have their own, unbiased opinion. It is difficult for them to argue, as the arguments given by scorpions are simply disarming!

Disadvantages of Scorpio Partner


Scorpios are natural leaders who love to dominate relationships. This is what makes them feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Ironically, the need for control is their strength and weakness.

On the one hand, it allows them to achieve a lot. On the other hand, it can lead to constant power struggles in personal relationships.

If necessary, Scorpios resort to all kinds of manipulation to make sure they have achieved their goal and remain in control of the situation. Even if they say they are giving up the reins, in reality they are not.


Be careful not to piss off a Scorpio. When he is angry, it resembles earthquakes of 9 magnitudes on the Richter scale. If you hit him for a living, the element can play out without warning. When Scorpios get furious, they show off all the dark sides of their soul that usually lurk deep inside.

In a relationship, there are no semitones for him. He loves with fierce passion and hates with destructive power. Switching from one feeling to another can happen instantly. The expression “One step from love to hate” is about Scorpio.


As deeply as love, Scorpio feels betrayal. Scorpios do not know how to forgive. This mission is impossible for them.

They are able to be jealous even of their partner’s former love interests. Scorpio’s pathological jealousy can lead to cruel and unforgiving revenge. They themselves, most likely, will simply burn the bridge of relations, but will not cheat on their chosen one.


Scorpio’s partner should be aware that they are introverted by nature. They are not inclined to trust people, so it is very difficult to unravel their true intentions.

Scorpios staunchly protect their personal space from intruders. Outwardly closed Scorpio opens only to loved ones and faithful friends. They do not tolerate interference in their personal life. They can create a secret from any little thing just because this is their true essence.


Scorpios primarily think about of themselves. This does not mean that they are not capable of selfless acts, but even acting to their own detriment, they first of all considers what benefit they will receive from episodic altruism.

Are you Compatible with Scorpio ?

You are Compatible with Scorpio if …

  • You like a strong and confident partner;
  • you are always repulsed by calmness and monotony;
  • Sex plays an important role in your life;
  • You want to see a partner with deep feelings;
  • Behavioral extremes are not repulsive to you;
  • You are not repulsed by overbearing people;

Zodiac Signs best Compatible with Scorpio are:

  • Taurus (82%)
  • Cancer (88%)
  • Virgo (75%)
  • Capricorn (72%)
  • Pisces (82%)

Are you Incompatible with Scorpio ?

You are Incompatible with Scorpio if …

  • You like calmness and moderation;
  • You are repulsed by powerful people with a commanding character;
  • You are not attracted to secretive people;
  • Sex does not high priority in your life;
  • You want more openness in your relationship;
  • You like the measured course of life, where the main thing is stability and tranquility;

Zodiac Signs Incompatible with Scorpio are:

  • Aries (33%)
  • Gemini (20%)
  • Leo (33%)
  • Sagittarius (38%)
  • Aquarius (37%)

Scorpio Compatibility Percentage

SCORPIO and ARIES Compatibility33%50%10%10%50%30%50%
SCORPIO and TAURUS Compatibility82%90%90%70%80%80%80%
SCORPIO and GEMINI Compatibility20%10%10%20%10%20%50%
SCORPIO and CANCER Compatibility88%90%80%90%90%90%90%
SCORPIO and LEO Compatibility33% 10%10%30%60%50%40%
SCORPIO and VIRGO Compatibility75%70%70%80%90%90%50%
SCORPIO and LIBRA Compatibility57%60%50%70%50%70%40%
SCORPIO and SCORPIO Compatibility67%70%60%70%40%80%80%
SCORPIO and SAGITTARIUS Compatibility38% 30%10%70%10%80%30%
SCORPIO and CAPRICORN Compatibility72%70%40%70%90%70%90%
SCORPIO and AQUARIUS Compatibility37%40%10%40%10%60%60%
SCORPIO and PISCES Compatibility82%70%90%90%70%90%80%
Scorpio Compatibility Chart (detailed table)

Scorpio Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility Chart
Scorpio Compatibility Chart

Zodiac Compatibility:

Tarot for Zodiac:

Tarot For Aries , Tarot For Taurus , Tarot for Gemini , Tarot for Cancer , Tarot for Leo ,, Tarot for Virgo , Tarot for Libra , Tarot for Scorpio , Tarot for Sagittarius , Tarot for Capricorn , Tarot for Aquarius , Tarot for Pisces

Know about Zodiac Signs:

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn, AquariusPisces

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