Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius Dates: November 23 to December 21

Sagittarius is the luckiest sign of the zodiac. Despite the fact that he plays with fire, they are unusually lucky in life.

They are patronized by Jupiter – the planet of optimism, success and generosity. Whether the favor of fate will spread to good luck in matters of the heart largely depends on the compatibility of the partners in the horoscope.

In love, Sagittarius is full of contradictions. They are depicted as a mythical centaur – half horse, half human; therefore obeys both animal instincts and spiritual ideals. Sublime impulses struggle with sensual desires in them.

Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius have an insatiable appetite for life. They look for a companion who will be able to share their emotional impulses. The partner must not lag behind them in the constant race for pleasure.

Sagittarius consider love relationships as adventures that can be enjoyed to the fullest. By nature, they are like a hunter, they are excited by the process of pursuing prey. The more unattainable the goal, the more diligently they will seek its location.

Sagittarius is charged with positive energy, they can smooth out even unpleasant situations with an appropriate joke.

Sagittarius in love is also not inclined to indulge in despondency and sadness. For them, this is a joyful, life-affirming feeling. If their partner is also optimistic, they will be able to find a shortcut to the heart of Sagittarius.

The patronage of the element of Fire makes the feelings of Sagittarius impetuous. Often they fall in love at first sight and do not accept any calculation in matters of the heart.

It is difficult to constantly live on such a high note, so Sagittarius quickly “burns out”. However, the fire of passion is extinguished for a short time, pretty soon it is already burning with renewed vigor.

Sagittarius should not allow physical attraction to overshadow the need for tender heartfelt affection. If they follow the lead of animal instincts, such a mundane relationship will inevitably collapse.

Sagittarius in love begins to pay more attention to appearance more than usual, tries to update wardrobe and buy status accessories, although it is usually unusual for them to splurge.

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Sagittarius in Relationship

Advantages of a Sagittarius Partner


Sagittarius is balanced and smart. They think 10 steps ahead, and therefore it is very difficult to deceive them.


A Sagittarius loves to take care of loved ones, but does not always know how to show it. You will have to read between the lines. 


Sagittarius is a deep thinker. They see what is happening with depth and clarity that others often lack.


This is the most honest of all signs. They doesn’t care if someone doesn’t like it! All you will get from them is mere truth.

Disadvantages of a Sagittarius Partner


Soul subtlety is not characteristic of Sagittarius. They are truth-tellers who is used to proving their point of view, regardless of faces and circumstances. Injured people can be shocked by his caustic humor, touching the quick.

Their indelicate remarks can unsettle even an awkward individual who does not go into their pocket for a word. The harshness of Sagittarius sometimes borders on outright rudeness, which clearly does not contribute to the establishment of warm relations.

A friendly parting is impossible for a Sagittarius. They expresses their reproaches and discontent to the former partner in an impartial form, sometimes without hesitation in expressions.


In a relationship with Sagittarius, you should adhere to the tactics of subtle diplomacy, so as not to make a mortal enemy for life.

Small insults provoke him to a small “nuclear explosion”, which is replaced by generous forgiveness.

If a strong blow is dealt to his pride, Sagittarius switches to guerrilla warfare tactics, in which all means are good. He holds a stone in his bosom for a long time on his offender, choosing the right moment for revenge.


Sagittarius puts cognition in the first place in the scale of life values. They give the second place to his family and friends. The third goes to adventure.

Well, their chosen one will have to put up with the fact that the Archer puts almost everything above their relationship.


A Sagittarius can fail at the most critical moment only because they have forgotten about their promise. Their fiery nature makes them quickly switch from one case to another.

What was important to them yesterday seems insignificant today.

Are you Compatible with Sagittarius ?

You are Compatible with Sagittarius if …

  • You like traveling, adventure, reading;
  • You have a craving for surprises and changes;
  • You like romance in relationships and everything sublime;
  • You are attracted by people with a vivid imagination;
  • You don’t like monotony;
  • You have a desire for justice;

Zodiac Signs Best Compatible with Sagittarius are:

  • Aries (83%)
  • Gemini (88%)
  • Leo (75%)
  • Libra (72%)
  • Sagittarius (72%)
  • Aquarius (80%)

Are you Incompatible with Sagittarius ?

You are Incompatible with Sagittarius if …

  • You like silence, calmness and measured course of life;
  • You don’t like vanity, noise and confusion;
  • You do not like people who talk a lot;
  • You are attracted by serious, practical people;
  • You would like to see your partner staying at home next to you;

Zodiac Signs Incompatible with Sagittarius are:

  • Taurus (28%)
  • Cancer (32%)
  • Virgo (35%)
  • Scorpio (38%)

Sagittarius Compatibility Percentage

SAGITTARIUS and ARIES Compatibility83%90%80%90%70%80%90%
SAGITTARIUS and TAURUS Compatibility28%20%20%50%10%50%20%
SAGITTARIUS and GEMINI Compatibility88%90%90%90%90%90%80%
SAGITTARIUS and CANCER Compatibility32%30%10%60%10%70%10%
SAGITTARIUS and LEO Compatibility75% 90%80%80%80%80%40%
SAGITTARIUS and VIRGO Compatibility35%30%10%60%10%70%30%
SAGITTARIUS and LIBRA Compatibility72%90%90%70%30%80%70%
SAGITTARIUS and SCORPIO Compatibility38%30%10%70%10%80%30%
SAGITTARIUS and SAGITTARIUS Compatibility72%70% 20%90%90%90%70%
SAGITTARIUS and CAPRICORN Compatibility45%20%50%60%20%70%50%
SAGITTARIUS and AQUARIUS Compatibility80%80%80%90%60%90%80%
SAGITTARIUS and PISCES Compatibility52%40%30%70%10%80%80%
Sagittarius Compatibility Chart (detailed table)

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility Chart
Sagittarius Compatibility Chart

Zodiac Compatibility:

Tarot for Zodiac:

Tarot For Aries , Tarot For Taurus , Tarot for Gemini , Tarot for Cancer , Tarot for Leo ,, Tarot for Virgo , Tarot for Libra , Tarot for Scorpio , Tarot for Sagittarius , Tarot for Capricorn , Tarot for Aquarius , Tarot for Pisces

Know about Zodiac Signs:

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn, AquariusPisces

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