Taurus in Love

Taurus in Love

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

A love relationship with a Taurus is a marathon, not a sprint. Taurus being stable earth element, they need a long-term perspective. They slowly evaluate each partner for compliance with their life values.

Taurus in Love

While the verification process may seem old-fashioned, there is no way to change the behavior of this sign. Even if his courtship resembles a romantic fairy tale, do not flatter yourself.

For him, this is an informal interview for the position of a life partner. If the partner does not meet expectations, he will part with him without regret.

The main prize for Taurus is sincere heartfelt affection, because it is ruled by the planet of love Venus. Taurus intuitively strives for a stable and calm union, where he will feel comfortable and confident. Stability in his concept extends to all aspects of relations: reliability, mutual assistance and material wealth.

Taurus in love can be recognized by persistent signs of attention. A continuous stream of flowers and cute heart trinkets, invitations to the cinema, walks in the park … Yes, in terms of courtship, Taurus is conservative, but consistent.

Taurus not inclined to take quick, rash steps, even if he is interested in a partner.. A person who has sunk in the heart of Taurus cannot understand for a long time what Taurus wants. But it’s not Taurus’s indecision at all. According to the proverb, he will first measure seven times in order to cut once.

Taurus thinks everything multiple times and prepares thoroughly before declaring serious intentions.

Like all earth signs, Taurus is not inclined to hide his plans when meeting. Sometimes this is beneficial for the development of a relationship, but some people may be scared off by his down-to-earthness.

Patient and sensual, Taurus knows exactly who and what he wants. A mature Taurus learns from his mistakes. Over the years, he gains wisdom in matters of the heart, is finally determined with the desired type of partner. At maturity, his chances of forging a lasting alliance increase.

Love of a Taurus comforts and grounds all who come across their soothing touch. They is one of the most loyal zodiac signs and is looking for a partner who appreciates it. Taurus will do everything for success of the relationship.

In love relationship, following zodiac signs are most compatible with Taurus


Taurus in Relationship

Advantage of having Taurus as a Partner


Taurus is one of the most loyal and loyal signs of the zodiac. In addition, many Taurus are monogamous. If they have already entered into a relationship with you, then you can be sure that they will definitely be faithful to you. They are not interested in intrigues on the side, even light flirting is of no use to them. Taurus give all their love to one person.


Taurus are very economic. They say about such people – “all in the house.” They love to tinker, fix, paint, cook, and comfort. Comfortable space is above all for them. They try to make the house as comfortable and pleasant as possible for themselves.

Taurus are quite frugal. They get used to living within their means.


You can rely on Taurus at any time. They are not afraid to take on responsibilities and obligations. This is not to say that they yearn for this, but if it is necessary, if circumstances so force, Taurus will definitely not run away from responsibility, taking it upon themselves with dignity.


You can always rely on Taurus and rely on in any situation.

Disadvantage of having Taurus as a Partner


Taurus can be stubborn even in losing situations. He will defend his innocence, despite the fact that his point of view is deliberately wrong.

If the partner is not flexible, the showdown can turn into a scandal. It should be borne in mind that Taurus will not go first to reconciliation. However, he does not hold evil for a long time and will gladly accept the offer to forget about the quarrel.


Taurus truly believe that the world revolves around them. Self-indulgence makes them insensitive to the emotions of others. This does not mean that he is indifferent to his partner, just his level of emotionality is lower than generally accepted.


Although a Taurus is hardworking, he becomes incredibly lazy when ordered to do something against his will. He will not lift a finger until he is motivated to get started.

If you want to ask a Taurus for something, first present a sound argument about the usefulness of the enterprise.


Taurus is uncompromising during an argument, especially if he thinks he is right. While bluntness is positive in certain situations, in personal relationships it is definitely not the case.

When it is necessary to remain silent, Taurus will prove on all counts why you are wrong.


It is typical for Taurus to consider the other half as their legal property. He wants to completely possess a loved one: his thoughts, feelings and actions.

Some people will love this position, but the freedom-loving signs will feel trapped in a cage. Trying to break free, they may face the jealousy and pretensions of Taurus.

Are you Compatible with Taurus

You are Compatible with Taurus if …

  • You dream of a calm measured life;
  • You are economical with money;
  • Strive for a serious, permanent relationship;
  • Harmonious intimate relationships are important;
  • You can be faithful, faithful, constant;
  • Does not repel the man’s jealousy and his attitude towards you as an owner;
  • I do not like hot-tempered and impulsive men;
  • You know how to cook well and tasty;
  • I like it when a man is constantly around, to feel his presence;

Zodiac Signs Best Compatible with Taurus are:

Are you Incompatible with Taurus

You are Incompatible with Taurus if …

  • You do not like monotony, calm and measured life without impressions;
  • You don’t like doing household chores – washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning;
  • You can hardly be called a homebody;
  • You love complete freedom in life, in love and action, without restrictions;
  • You hate it when you have to report, explain, make excuses;
  • It’s boring with men who are stay-at-home;
  • You cannot stand stubbornness when it is difficult to say something, let alone to prove;

Zodiac Signs Incompatible with Taurus are:

Taurus Compatibility Percentage

TAURUS and ARIES Compatibility53%60%50%40%80%40%50%
TAURUS and TAURUS Compatibility78%90%90%60%70%70%90%
TAURUS and GEMINI Compatibility30%10%30%50% 10%60%20%
TAURUS and CANCER Compatibility86%90%90%80%90%90%80%
TAURUS and LEO Compatibility41% 50%20%20%70%50%40%
TAURUS and VIRGO Compatibility80%90%80%90%70%90%60%
TAURUS and LIBRA Compatibility31%30%20%20%30%30%60%
TAURUS and SCORPIO Compatibility82%90%90% 70%80% 80%80%
TAURUS and SAGITTARIUS Compatibility28% 20%20%50% 10%50%20%
TAURUS and CAPRICORN Compatibility83%80%90%80% 90%80%80%
TAURUS and AQUARIUS Compatibility15%10%20% 10% 20%20%10%
TAURUS and PISCES Compatibility85%90% 90%90% 80%90%70%
Taurus Compatibility Chart (detailed table)

Taurus Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility Chart
Taurus Compatibility Chart

Zodiac Compatibility:

Tarot for Zodiac:

Tarot For Aries , Tarot For Taurus , Tarot for Gemini , Tarot for Cancer , Tarot for Leo ,, Tarot for Virgo , Tarot for Libra , Tarot for Scorpio , Tarot for Sagittarius , Tarot for Capricorn , Tarot for Aquarius , Tarot for Pisces

Know about Zodiac Signs:

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn, AquariusPisces

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