Chestnut Bud in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses
Chestnut Bud ( Aesculus Hippocastanum /Horse chestnut bud ) belongs to the horse chestnut family. It is a tree that can reach 40 meters and grows in Europe even if it is native to the Caucasus. The flowers are hidden in the bud with the new branch, the buds hide leaves and flowers under a sticky membrane.
It is a very sensitive plant to cold and every year it does not synchronize its flowering with the expected climatic time, freezing erroneously. Suitable for those who work on concentration and integration of lived experiences, it is useful for children with learning problems.
Chestnut Bud : properties and benefits
The property Chestnut Bud is ” hard head “, the difficulty to learn a lesson from their mistakes, it is hard to build on the experience, often with regret.
Often the most striking feature of this flower is the repeated error, the compulsion to repeat, caused by the lack of observation, indifference, lack of attention and haste. This prevents progress in life, in fact we often tend to forget wrong actions, instead of “focusing on them”, reworking them.
Another peculiarity of this remedy is that Edward Bach works the gem and not the flower, since inside there are hidden energies that are about to blossom. Starting, therefore, from this assumption, how can we keep what we have learned through life? How can our experience come out, treasuring it in a simple and painless way?
By constantly taking a few drops, it will be possible to achieve learning and give value to the actions, to the mistakes made, also learning to analyze them one at a time.
• Initial emotions (before taking the flower):
Inability to learn from one’s mistakes, superficiality.
• Evolutionary emotions (after taking the flower):
Edward Bach states that: ” This flower helps you take full advantage of everyday experiences and see yourself and your mistakes with the eyes of others .” Therefore, we grow with experience, we have learning.
Chestnut Bud : uses
The Chestnut Bud type manifests itself in all cases where there is a missed lesson learned, it is also given to children with learning problems and in severe cases of autism .
The horse chestnut is suitable for those who need more time than others to make their daily teachings their own ; in fact, the Chestnut Bud type needs to have many experiences before learning the fruits of experience. These are people who do not want to ask themselves why , the motivation of what is happening, rather they avoid it, they do not want to look at the origin of the cause. What is missing here is a precise foundation on which to make future decisions, not learning from life.
For lack of appetite in premature babies, the Bach flower indicated is Chestnut Bud, which helps him regain his appetite.
It often happens that it is possible to find that the same diseases continue to manifest themselves and to repeat themselves, like a ” broken disc “. In addition, Peter Pan syndrome, headaches, deafness up to severe cases such as stroke, are some of the somatic disorders that are noticed in a Chestnut Bud behavior .
Chestnut Bud is used for those who want to observe errors objectively , for those who have a desire to be able to see others and learn from them and who are careless, careless, clumsy.
Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Affirmation
- I pay attention to the mistakes I make to learn from them.
- I learn from mistakes to correct them.
- I open myself to the intuitive messages of my soul.
- I value and assimilate the synchronisms that I come across in life.
- I take my distance and observe myself from the outside.