Honeysuckle in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) is part of the Caprifoliaceae family. The honeysuckle is a climbing liana, common in Europe, grows in the woods or on the edge of the moor and is also used as an ornamental plant. The flowers are red on the outside and white on the inside, then turn yellow when pollination occurs during the summer. For Dr. Edward Bach’s floristry only red flowers are chosen.
Honeysuckle : Properties and benefits
The key word for this remedy is “The old man alone” who has so much nostalgia for the past that is no longer there and who indulges in memories, not necessarily pleasant, of time, as if he were chained in these, that he can no longer live the present. Dr. Edward Bach describes these people as: “… those who linger long in the past with their thoughts, regret a happy time, abandon themselves to the memory of a lost friend or to old dreams that never came true. They have no hope of still living happy moments, if not in the past… ”.
The Honeysuckle typology describes a person who escapes reality, “detaches” and goes into the past , unlike Clematis who “detaches” and goes into the dream; he is often a melancholy type and a bit annoying, repetitive, bushel, has an attitude that goes against himself. The magic of this remedy is to bring back to live in the present and break the chains of memories and the past. Indeed, Honeysuckle manages to overcome the blocking state of the past, bringing us back on our personal journey towards self-realization.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
Excessive nostalgia for the past.
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
Live life to the full in the here and now without being overwhelmed by the past.
Honeysuckle : uses
Honeysuckle is suitable for those who regret lost opportunities and time that has slipped away. They are unable to accept every change, often it is also administered to children or immigrants who are far from their family, home, country, traditions and customs.
In rare cases, this remedy can also be given to newborns just out of the womb (along with Walnut and Star of Behethlem ) to cushion the trauma of the change. These characters are often accused of stress , hypochondria, depression (which can lead to cancer), but also severe menstrual pain and severe respiratory problems up to TB.
Honeysuckle is precious to those who don’t have enough interest in the present, who glorify the past and the memories populate their life.
Honeysuckle Bach Flower Affirmation
- I accept my past, learn from it and fully live my present.
- My past is gasoline for the present.
- I appreciate and release my memories.
- Only the present gives me experiences.