Cerato in Bach flower therapy : properties, benefits, uses

Cerato in Bach flower therapy

properties, benefits, uses

Cerato ( Ceratostigma willmottiana / Piombaggine) is a shrubby perennial plant with a thin stem, climbing and transient, native to Asia, sometimes also used in Tibetan medicine as a remedy to “get out” the voice. It is found in the Himalayas, it does not exist in Europe, except in some gardens and parks; it has small circular flowers with five petals.

Indicated for those who do not trust their judgment skills, it is useful in case of motor skills disorders.

Cerato : Properties and benefits

Cerato is the eighth plant discovered by Edward Bach who classifies this lilac-bluish flower as the ” patient who wants to do stupid things “, in fact the key word of this flower is “the search for continuous advice and confirmation”.

The Cerato would be a wise teacher and prospective teacher if you do not listen too the opinions of others and did not unduly influenced by external circumstances.

The benefits that this flower brings to the state of mind are of great human wealth , since the person totally relies on his intuition, profound wisdom, heart and consequently acts effortlessly, simply transported by the innermost self.

Therefore, with Cerato people tend to acquire self-confidence, then following their path with serenity, but without overdoing it and invading the spaces of others.

• Initial emotions (before taking the flower):

Feeling foolish, unsure of one’s instincts, a strong hesitation that leads to decision-making insecurity.

• Evolutionary emotions (after taking the flower):

Profound wisdom , serenity in following one’s destiny and intuition. Look at your soul in the mirror.

Cerato : uses

Edward Bach describes the status of Cerato as useful: “ For those who do not have enough self-confidence to be able to make decisions on their own. They always ask for advice from others, but they are often misled ”.

The Cerato type is suitable for those who do not trust their powers of discernment and judgment, especially in cases where they are forced to decide for something.

Often they are not non-intuitive people, but it is as if they were anesthetized with their own feelings, there is a lack of trust (not to be confused with Larch) of their inner abilities. 

These subjects do not have self-esteem problems, but they show difficulties in making decisions , so it may happen that they ask for advice and follow it incorrectly, even in the case of diseases (often of psychosomatic origin) such as tachycardia, they try to experience various forms of treatment and therapy suggested by others, causing slow healing.

Being a flower that leads to admire the most self-confident people, it is often used in the age of puberty, when there is a physical and mental retardation, and is therefore associated with motor capacity disorders. 

Cerato is useful for those who live withconstant doubt, lack confidence in their decision-making abilities, tend to imitate others, always experiencing other things and / or situations.

They are hungry for the answers of others, who hardly listen to each other or make a movement towards themselves.

Cerato Bach Flower Affirmation uses

  • I trust my judgment and my inner guide.
  • I trust my own intuition and act accordingly.
  • I open myself to my inner wisdom.
  • I value and contrast the opinions of others with my own.

Bach Flower List

1. Agrimony 2. Aspen 3. Beech
4. Centaury5. Cerato6. Cherry Plum
7. Chestnut Bud 8. Chicory9. Clematis
10. Crab Apple11. Elm12. Gentian
13. Gorse 14. Heather15. Holly
16. Honeysuckle 17. Hornbeam 18. Impatiens
19. Larch20. Mimulus21. Mustard
22. Oak23. Olive24. Pine
25. Red Chestnut26. Rock Rose27. Rock Water
28. Scleranthus29. Star Of Bethlehem30. Sweet Chestnut
31. Vervain 32. Vine 33. Walnut
34. Water Violet35. White Chestnut36. Wild Oat
37. Wild Rose38. Willow39. Rescue Remedy  

Bach Flower

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