Heather in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Heather ( Calluna Vulgaris / Erica), ispart of the Ericaceae family and is common in Europe and South Africa. It is a plant that grows in arid, limestone plains, in swamps, difficult places, where the soil is devoid of minerals and therefore it is difficult to take root. Erica can reach 1 meter in height, it is a small shrub and its flowers are lilac, purplish.
Heather : Properties and benefits
The key word of this flower is the button holder , defined by Dr. Edward Bach himself . In fact, the Heather are demanding people, in need of attention and affection, they are always the center of attention through a predominant talkativeness they show off.
Dr. Edward Bach defines them this way: ” … those who are always looking for someone who can keep them company, because they need to talk about their things with others, whatever the topic may be … ” therefore, they often fear loneliness , which is then caused by the constant estrangement of others.
They worry about external problems , but about daily ones, they always do it with excellent intentions, they love to take care of people in difficulty, but in trying to do all this they risk being aggressive and predominant and not actually helping those in real need.
The Heather’s react with anger if you refuse their help or advice, so they find all the means they have at their disposal so that the other can convince and encourage that their suggestion is right.
These characters would like people to always depend on them, experiencing pleasure in feeling that they are useful and of help in the adversity of others.
The benefits that emerge are that the Heather’s interlocutors are no longer absorbed by their excessive vitality, but feel understood and really helped, since the transformation with this flower leads to consider the problems of others, without leading to continuous monologues, therefore these characters manage to become empathetic and generous.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
Dr. Edward Bach also describes the use of Heather as follows: ” … when something inside of us, a disease for example, focuses our attention, the use of Heather is very useful, because in addition to not feeling well, it may be that not we want to feel good and what we want is to think about our self and how much “I’m suffering”, Heather is indicated to eradicate that self… ”. Self-centeredness, excessive self-concentration and logorrhea .
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
Empathy , altruism, generosity with understanding and the ability to listen to the other .
Heather : uses
Heather is a remedy for people who get so caught up in themselves, that they are no longer able to create true communication with the outside and with others.
They are sanguine, vigorous, full of energy ; there are cases in which the Heather types also manifest crises of bulimia . They live in a hyper-excited state anxious for the well-being of friends and relatives who desperately try hard to correct them and lead them on their own path.
Consequently, Heather people suffer from heart problems, palpitations, excruciating headaches , hysterias, asthma attacks , indigestions, always caused by emotional anxiety , in truth they do not have serious pathologies, but they have light illnesses constantly in the daily life throughout their lives, so there are countless annoyances and ailments in them that make them live badly.
This flower is for those who feel self-centered and hypochondriacs , who want to listen more to others, who have so much self-confidence and who feel competent that they never doubt their ability to advise or give support.
Heather Bach Flower Affirmation
- I can feel safe in solitude.
- I like to receive and I enjoy giving.
- I value what I have and try to share it with others.
- I listen to my inner child and nurture and hug him / her.