Impatiens in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Impatiens, Bach flower remedy that instills respect, patience and trust in others, mitigating the frenzy. When and why to take it.
Impatiens ( Impatiens Glandulifera ), better known as ” Don’t touch me” or Balsamina is a plant native to the Himalayas. It is a fleshy plant, up to 180 cm high that grows along the banks of the river and canals, the color of its flowers is pale mauve and blooms in summer. Let’s find out better.
Impatiens : properties and benefits
Impatiens was the second plant discovered by Dr. Edward Bach , your key word is ” impatience “. The flower is also described like this: “ … for those who are quick in both thought and action, and who want everything to happen without hesitation or delay. When they are sick they are anxious to recover as soon as possible. It is very difficult for them to be patient with those who are slow because they feel that this is not right and it is also a waste of time. So they try in every way to liven up lazy people. Often they prefer to think and work in solitude, to be able to do things at their own pace… ”.
This remedy is given to those experiencing acceleration, who have a problem with time. A typical example is that in which these individuals often can’t stand the queues, the traffic, they are afraid of wasting time, in fact they are always in a hurry, their pace is in excess and is not compatible with that of others.
Therefore, this acceleration frequently causes rigidity dictated by the inability to relax and by the lack of flexibility in adapting to the harmonic rhythm of one’s being linked with the outside.
The Impatiens have an inconstant character, they cannot wait, but the benefits that the remedy brings are prodigious, since they can be from being patient in dealing with problems even with diplomacy, to creating calm and good humor towards others; then, accepting the normal flow of life, also comes the understanding for those who are less “efficient” than him.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
Impatience , frenzy of time, anxiety to anticipate.
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
Patience , calm and understanding.
Impatiens : uses
Impatiens is a concentrate indicated for those who are easily irritable and independent . Often these people suffer from neurotic disorders, they prefer to work alone, considering others as an obstacle, it also happens that they interrupt the interlocutor while talking.
They are always anxious characters and are subject to tachycardia , have digestive spasms, psychoemotional disorders , neck pain , cramps and acidity. It is also noted how this flower also works in hyperkinetic children, giving them calm and relief.
Impatiens is valuable for those who want to heal right away, hurry things up , who are quick, who abruptly want everything right away .
Impatiens Bach Flower Affirmation
- I admit my impatience.
- I respect the rhythm of each one and the processes of life.
- I give myself permission to relax and I relax.
- I allow myself a slower pace and enjoy the subtleties of life.
- I calm the tension and grow in patience and understanding.
- I choose to enjoy the road in a relaxed way.