Red Chestnut in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Red Chestnut ( Aesculus Carnea ), part of the Hippocastanaceae family, is a rare, not very robust and delicate tree that commonly grows in parks. Because of its flowers sparkling pink and very fragrant, the red chestnut is often used as a decorative tree, which blooms from the beginning of spring until the end of the season.
Red Chestnut : properties and benefits
Dr. Edward Bach found that Red Chestnut was important “… for those who find it difficult not to be anxious about others. They are people who generally do not care about themselves, but can suffer a lot for those they love, because they always fear that some misfortune will happen to them… ” .
These individuals charge the other with their fears and tensions, over-protecting them and creating a negative mentality that only feeds fear and blockage for themselves and others. All of this leads Red Chestnuts to be extremely attached to each other.
The most important benefit that is revealed with this remedy is the naturalness with which thoughts are born normally, therefore the ability to take care of others is developed , without fear or intrusiveness , but with compassion and love. The individual emanates positive energies, inner calm through which he can manage everyday life and give strength to close people.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
Fear or excessive concern for others, addiction.
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
Inner calm, confidence and optimism, independence.
Red Chestnut : uses
This flower is suitable for those who have strong concerns about others , to the point of suffocating them. Unlike Rock Rose ,
Red Chestnut acts on a fear for the neighbor that never enters full terror, but which often generates an obstacle to healing.
The types of people treatable with this flower frequently suffer from nervousness or chronic fatigue , headaches and asthma , hypertension and addictions to nicotine food.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that Dr. Edward Bach sometimes recommended this flower not only to those who needed it, but also to those who were close to him; in fact, for example, it is recommended to a mother who is very apprehensive for her child or when there are close relationships of dependence between individuals, as well as in the weaning phase between mother and child.
Red Chestnut is suitable for those who live in emotional symbiosis with others; symbiosis that often results in states of anxiety .
Red Chestnut Bach Flower Affirmation
- I release others from my fears, finding confidence and optimism within myself.
- I work not to exaggerate the dangers of life.
- The possible is not always the most probable. There is nothing to be gained by worrying so much.
- I am me and you are you. I live what is mine and you live what is yours.