Scleranthus in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Scleranthus ( Scleranthus annuus ) is part of the Cariofillaceae family , it occurs in bushes, often climbing. The Dry Flower is a plant that extends in length rather than in height and is found in wheat fields, in sandy soils.
This is 5 to 70 cm high, blooms in summer and has always been considered a ” weed “, as demonstrated by the fact that it has rough, hard, thread-like flowers, of a faded green color, which hide in the leaves, undecided about go out to show yourself on the outside.
Scleranthus : Properties and benefits
Sclerato is the ninth plant discovered by Dr. Edward Bach , which he found in a stubble field; he defined it as an excellent remedy: “… for those who suffer a lot from the inability to decide between two things, considering right now one, now the other. They are usually calm people, who bear their difficulties in silence, not being inclined to discuss them with others… ”.
The archetype par excellence of Scleranthus is William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” , who lives with a type of doubt that blocks and prevents action. It is noted that the personalities associated with this flower are subject to frequent mood swings often fluctuating, which oscillate from one extreme to the other, as if they were the prey of a storm, they go from happiness to sadness even in a single day, generating disharmony interior, fluctuation of feelings and intentions, confusion.
Unreliable behavior ensues, and damage to the economy of their living: these people waste time unnecessarily and miss important opportunities, not caught because of their chronic indecision. The evolution that Scleranthus brings is prodigious, in fact individuals are able to adapt quickly, with flexibility and with an open mind , as if it were magically enlightened, being able to decide and be ready at the right time.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
indecision, uncertainty, insecurity and oscillatory mood.
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
security, ability to choose, balance.
Scleranthus : uses
This remedy is indicated for people who are always indecisive , who have difficulty choosing, especially when they are faced with two alternatives; moreover they manifest a lack of balance, given by their constant uncertainty, concealing notable internal conflicts.
Diseases related to the Scleranthus type such as dizziness, motion sickness , irritable bowel have been found. Also, there is an interesting comparison between the Cerato type, who always asks for the opinion of others and the Scleranthus person who never asks for advice from anyone and tends to keep his dilemma all to himself, frequently generating symptoms with widespread malassence of various genre, from apathy, to depression, to difficult pregnancies.
Scleranthus is precious for those who yearn so much to choose between two proposals right away, but never succeed, for those who would like promptness of action, self-control, doubt gone and simply feel a calm sea within themselves.
Scleranthus Bach Flower Affirmation
- I stop, breathe and decide.
- On the middle road I find my balance.
- I accept my instability and work to consolidate my strength.
- With poise and determination I make my choice.