Wild Rose in Bach flower therapy
properties, benefits, uses

Wild Rose ( Rosa Canina ) belongs to the Rosaceae family, it grows between hill hedges and in the European countryside. It bears pale, pink flowers that open between May and July, in clusters of three to four, with large , walnut-shaped petals . La Rosa Canina , with its berries, is the plant that provides the vitamin C and toning substances to face the cold winter weather. It has laxative qualities due to its flowers. It has edible fruits.
Wild Rose : Properties and benefits
Wild Rose is ” a passive passenger of life ” as Dr. Edward Bach ; in fact he is an apathetic type who superficially adapts to situations he does not like; he never complains, he does not complain and does nothing to get better. They are characters totally absent of motivation, which give up life, there is a surrender to existence, they don’t even try to fight, they are passive and that’s it. Often in trying they are easily disappointed and for fear of suffering they do not perform actions.
Dr. Edward Bach describes this typology as follows: ” … for those who, without seemingly sufficient reason, resign themselves to everything that happens, and thus slip through life taking things as they are, without making any effort to improve or to find some ‘of joy. They surrendered to the adversities of life without complaining about it… ”.
Obviously Wild Rose people even when faced with illness or change do not have the strength to face the situation.
Wild Rose offers the possibility to get out of one’s torpor with renewed enthusiasm, rediscovering daily enthusiasm; therefore there is more energy to face life and live, removing oneself from a situation of paralyzing indifference.
• Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):
Resignation , existential apathy, indifference, boredom .
• Evolutionary-loose emotions (after taking the flower):
Motivation , enthusiasm , initiative, interest in life and an understanding of one’s responsibility. Every moment is a source of joy, and one freely draws on one’s inner strength. It reunites the soul to the body, restoring the interest and taste of life.
Wild Rose : uses
Wild Rose is very suitable for people who feel bored with life, who have lost the joy in doing and participating, in getting active in general.
The remedy is for those who do not hope and do not fight anymore, because they say to themselves that ” so much … now … “, extremely resigned and with no way out.In these types there may be cases of emotionality and personality disorder of the paranoid type, they are characters who often get sick with colds , flu, fever , sinusitis , allergy and eye problems including conjunctivitis .
In children, they can be recognized in cases of excessive listlessness, recklessness to the point of hurting oneself, sleeps that are too long, with few movements.
Wild Rose is a precious remedy for those who are unmotivated , who no longer believe , who are “zombies”, who do not hope and do not face. The flower is for those who experience all activities wildly to make up for the disappointment.
Wild Rose Bach Flower Affirmation
- I recover the joy and the desire to live.
- I accept and embrace the meaning of life.
- I free myself from apathy and open myself to life.