
Here is Dr. Edward Bach’s vision and his healing system through the flower remedies he devised. Let’s discover the properties, the benefits of their therapeutic use and some good reasons to always keep them with you.
The use of Bach flowers is part of holistic medicine and their action, even if “subtle”, allows you to work in depth on the causes of emotional discomfort, favoring the psychophysical well-being and spiritual evolution of the individual.
Dr. Bach’s vision
The Dr. Edward Bach was born in England in 1886, scientist, mystic, seer and energy channel, leaves everything starting in 1930 for its adventure: the knowledge. The scientist “dies” and the “sensitive” and “intuitive” Dr. Bach is consolidated.
The thought of Dr. Bach and his concept of disease
“Current materialistic methods will never get to the root of the disease for the simple fact that the disease, at its origin, is not material . What we know of the disease is the ultimate effect produced in the body, the resultant of the forces acting for a long time and in depth, and although material therapy alone is apparently successful, in reality it is a temporary relief, if the real cause of the disease has not been eliminated ”.
“Illness is, in its essence, the result of a conflict between soul and mind and doing wrong to others, because that is a sin against Unity.”
“Any direct effort on the body alone can only superficially repair the damage caused by the disease, but this is not healing, since the cause is always operative and can manifest itself in another form at any time”.
Even Dr. Bach stated that often an apparent cure can be harmful because in this way we will not go to investigate more deeply to find the real cause.
He identifies the main negative emotions and mental states that are the cause of physical illness : fear , pride, hatred, selfishness, ignorance, cruelty, instability, greed, loneliness , depression , despair, worry, etc. which are considered a sin against themselves and against Unity.
This thought led him to search for a new energy / vibrational therapy that was able to work on emotions and the psyche, to restore harmony and inner order , heal negative moods, dissolve energy blocks and transform defects in opposite qualities.
This method is the Bach flower system that he researched and developed in the last six years of his life.
What are Bach flowers?
In 1934 Dr. Bach wrote about flowers:
“Through their high vibration, certain flowers, shrubs and spontaneous trees, belonging to a Higher Order, have the power to increase our human vibrations and leave our channels free to the messages of our soul, flood the personality with the virtues that they are necessary and in this way wash away the character defects that cause our ills.
Flowers are able to elevate our personality and move us more towards our soul. In this way they give us peace and free us from suffering. They do not heal by attacking the disease directly, but by filling our body with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Self, in the presence of which the disease melts like snow in the sun.
There is no real healing without a change in the orientation of life, without peace in the soul and without the feeling of inner happiness ”.
The Bach flower system includes a total of 38 flowers plus a composition, the Rescue Remedy, which is the only blend created directly by Dr. Bach as a remedy for urgent cases.
The flowers were classified by Dr. Bach into 7 thematic groups:
- fear : Mimulus, Aspen, Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum
- despair and discouragement : Larch, Elm, Oak, Star of Bethelhem, Pine, Willow, Crab Apple, Sweet Chestnut
- loneliness : Impatiens, Heather, Water Violet
- uncertainty : Wild Oat, Scleranthus, Cerato, Hornbeam, Gentian, Gorse
- lack of interest in the present : Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive, White Chestnut, Mustard, Chestnut Bud
- sensitivity to the ideas and influences of others : Agrimony, Centaury, Holly, Walnut
- excessive concern for the welfare of others : Chicory, Rock Water, Vervain, Beech, Vine
Bach flowers will help you overcome negative emotions.
E. Bach discovered that some wild plants have the ability to influence emotions. Each of the 38 Bach colors helps to overcome some negative emotional states, respectively, helps to turn negative emotions into positive ones, for example, indecision into courage, inner panic into inner balance, doubts about certainty, etc.
Bach flowers will help you cope with life’s difficulties.
We ourselves have to fight in the battle of life. In the struggle we become stronger and grow spiritually, but in these stages of life we often need help. And who can be stronger than nature! Bach flowers – the healing power of nature – will help us to endure, overcome fatigue, ourselves, rely on our own strength.
Bach’s flowers will help you change.
There is nothing more permanent in this life than change. Then, when we are unable to influence events, we must change ourselves – overcome bitterness, cope with self-pity, anger, resentment … And Bach flowers in such cases are ideal helpers.
Diseases also have a role to play, otherwise they would not be needed. Disease is like a red traffic light – “Stop!” You are doing something wrong in your life! Stop, think, listen to yourself! Illness requires us to change our way of life.
Bach flowers will help us to change (Oh, how difficult it is sometimes to change!), To change for the better.
Bach flowers will help to hear the voice of the heart and follow the call of the soul.
Why are we in this world? Have we only come to eat and drink? E. Bach was sure that a person has a soul that came into this world to develop. The human body is only a temple of the soul, a means by which we go through life.
The soul knows what it should achieve in this life. She always supports us and guides us on a better path. He speaks to us through our intuition and the voice of the heart. Can you still hear her? Bach flowers will help you hear, return to yourself and become what you were destined to become upon arrival in this world.
Bach flowers will help restore inner peace, be happy and healthy.
The world feeds, anxiety destroys. The inner peace strengthens the immune system. Doing what we love to do, being with people we really like, we will be happy, because, according to E. Bach, the happiness of life lies in simple things. A happy person is healthy!
Properties and use of Bach flowers
Here is the complete table of all Bach flowers and their use in relation to emotional states.
Bach flower | Symptoms of the emotional state | |
1 | Agrimony Agrimonia, Agrimonia Eupatoria | Mental torment and restlessness hidden through cheerfulness and humor |
2 | Aspen Poplar, Populus Tremula | Fears and concerns of unknown origin |
3 | Beech Beech, Fagus Sylvatica | Intolerance , irritability , excessive critical sense of everything and everyone |
4 | Centaury Centaurea or Fever-hunter, Centaurium Umbellatum | Submission , weakness |
5 | Cerato Piombaggine, Ceratostigma Willmottianum. | Little self-confidence to be able to make decisions on their own, seeking advice and confirmation from others |
6 | Cherry Plum Mirabolano or Plum, Prunus Cerasifera | Fear of going crazy, losing control and doing irreparable acts |
7 | Chestnut Bud Aesculus Hippocastanum | Inability to learn the lessons of life through the mistakes made, making the same mistakes on different occasions |
8 | Chicory Wild chicory, Chicorium Intybus | Selfishness , possession , taking extreme care of loved ones, intrusiveness |
9 | Clematis Clematis or Old Man’s Beard, Clematis Vitalba | Dreamer, he takes refuge in his own inner world |
10 | Crab Apple Wild Apple , Malus Sylvestris | Feeling of dirt, shame and bad relationship with oneself |
11 | Elm English Elm , Ulmus Procera | Overload of responsibility , fear of disappointing |
12 | Gentian Genzianella Autumn, Gentiana Amarella | Easy discouragement in front of the first obstacles |
13 | Gorse Spiny Broom, Ulex Europaeus | Resignation , lack of hope |
14 | Heather Brugo or Brentolo, Calluna Vulgaris | Talkative , need of others |
15 | Holly Holly, Ilex Aquifolium | Hatred , envy , jealousy , thirst for revenge |
16 | Honeysuckle Honeysuckle, Lonicera Caprifolium | He lives in the past, he thinks it was much better than the present |
17 | Hornbeam Carpinus Betulus | Mental exhaustion, laziness , fatigue and refusal to work |
18 | Impatiens Balsamina, Impatiens Giandulifera | Impatience and irritability caused by the less frenetic pace of those around him; subject always in action, wants everything immediately |
19 | Larch Larch, Larix Decidua | Stuck for lack of self-confidence , he self-evaluates himself thinking that others are better than him, lives with a constant premonition of failure |
20 | Mimulus Yellow Mimulus, Mimulus Guttatus | Fear of reliving already known experiences |
21 | Mustard Wild Mustard, Sinapis Arvensis | Deep sadness , despair , depression and melancholy without knowing the reason, a condition of periodic hypersensitivity |
22 | Oak Common Oak, Quercus Robur | Workaholic, persevering, does not shy away from anything, completes what he has begun, an indefatigable worker who can sometimes run into exhaustion due to his sense of duty |
23 | Olive Olive, Olea Europaea | Tiredness and irritability , physical pain and lack of energy |
24 | Pine Pinus Sylvestris | Sense of guilt , the subject in question accuses himself and punishes himself, self-destruction , masochism |
25 | Red Chestnut Aesculus Carnea | Fear for the safety of others, pessimism , anxiety , obsession , apprehension |
26 | Rock Rose Eliantemo, Helianthemun Nummukarium | Terror, uncontrolled panic attacks , rapid heartbeat and momentary paralysis of movement, inability to react |
27 | Rock Water Water Rock | Mental rigidity, desire to be taken as an example, excessive self-control, perfectionism, repression , conception of life according to rigid and controlled dictates |
28 | Scleranthus Scleranto Centrigrani or Fiorsecco, Scleranthus Annuus | Difficulty in choosing or deciding when faced with two alternatives, lack of balance and instability, insecurity |
29 | Star Of Bethlehem Star of Bethlehem or Hen’s Milk, Ornithogalum Umbellatum | Recent trauma or related to past events, psychophysical shock that causes unhappiness even after some time |
30 | Sweet Chestnut Castanea Sativa | Anguish extreme mental to the limit of endurance, despair deep, pessimism , feeling of having touched the bottom of the abyss |
31 | Vervain Verbena, Verbena Officinalis | Excess of enthusiasm, fanaticism, intolerance towards the opinions of others, constant pressure and attempts to impose one’s idealism on others |
32 | Vine Red Vine , Vitis Vinifera | Domination, thirst for power, boundless self-confidence, ambition and greed, arrogance , aggression and tyranny over others for personal feedback, sadism , omnipotence |
33 | Walnut Noce, Juglans Regia | Instability and indecision when faced with situations of transition, change of opinion due to external influences |
34 | Water Violet Hottonia Palustris | Search for loneliness , estrangement and difficulty in relating to others, attitude of superiority towards the things that surround him |
35 | White Chestnut Aesculsus Hippocastanum | Fixed, circular thoughts that you cannot get away from, obsession, worries and bad thoughts that lead to confusion, loss of energy and sleep |
36 | Wild Oat Bromus Ramosus | Uncertainty , insecurity and dissatisfaction , inability to make a decision about one’s role in life |
37 | Wild Rose Rosa Selvatica, Rosa Canina | Resignation, apathy , disappointment with life and the people around it, loss of interest, sadness and depression |
38 | Willow Weeping Willow , Salix Vitellina | Resentment, bitterness , sense of bad luck, victimhood , weak and negative person, feeling of living in an unfair world, which does not belong to him |
39 | Rescue Remedy Universal remedy composed of 5 floral extracts: Rock Rose, Star Of Bethlehem, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clemantis | Emergency situation , great nervousness , fainting |
10 good reasons to use Bach flowers
As many do, perhaps you too are wondering if Bach flowers really work, that is, if they can help you heal.
Well, the answer is “YES”, however I want to remind you of some good reasons to use them … even if you are not convinced!
1. Absence of contraindications :
the flowers can be used by everyone, by babies, the elderly, pregnant women and sick of all kinds, even by animals and plants.
2. Absence of side or secondary effects :
flowers operate in all vibrational fields of living beings and do not carry the risks of allopathic and homeopathic medicines.
3. Compatibility with any treatment :
by acting at subtler levels than homeopathy and allopathy, the therapy is not altered, so drugs, not even psychoactive drugs, do not diminish the effects of the essences (and not even the opposite).
4. Low cost :
the amount of money spent on medicines is incalculable, unlike flower therapy
5. Safety :
there is extensive experience (about 80 years) in their use, as well as extensive documentation on the subject, which makes Bach flowers a solid and reliable system.
6. Action at a subtle energy level :
the flowers act at a deep level in a vibrational way, also reaching the physical body
7. Action on the real cause of the disease :
the essences have sufficient strength and adequate information to act at the causal levels of the disease regardless of the intention and training of the therapist, which makes flower therapy a unique system of its kind. Flowers modify what is to be modified
8. Action on all possible levels :
the remedies act on all levels of those who take them, for this reason they can have an effect on ailments of all kinds, both physical and emotional, mental and spiritual. Flower therapy can be considered a holistic therapy that considers the individual as an integrated and interdependent whole.
9. Spiritual evolution :
the essences have been chosen and prepared for the integral evolution of the human being, consequently regardless of what we are dealing with and whatever the motivation of those who take them, the flowers act by re-establishing the connection between the soul and the personality. They will therefore have great benefits, not only on a mental, physical and emotional level, but also on a spiritual level.
10. Targeted action :
they act only at the level of a precise disharmony because each essence has a different vibrational principle with a frequency that coincides with the negative principle to be corrected. Thus, if the wrong flower is prescribed, it will never be harmful, it will simply not act.
Flower therapy works regardless of your will or the placebo effect!
What is Dr. Bach’s flower therapy?
Dr. Bach’s Flower Therapy is a natural treatment system made up of 38 flower essences. It constitutes an energy therapy (vibrational), holistic, that helps to restore health, helping to harmonize dysfunctions in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields of all living beings, be they humans, animals or plants.
Is Bach flower therapy a reliable?
Dr. Bach’s therapy has been applied for more than 70 years. There is a lot of experience in its use in almost every country in the world. Hundreds of books and publications in various languages give good proof of this. In 1983 the WHO (World Health Organization) published a study aimed at the health administrations of its member states, in which it explicitly mentions Dr. Bach’s Therapy.
How are the essences recommended?
For Dr. Bach, the mind is the most sensitive part of our personality and where, before anywhere else, signs of disharmony appear that, if not corrected, could crystallize into physical or mental illnesses. For all this, the interview is used as the most reliable source of verbal and non-verbal information.
Are there contraindications, side effects or incompatibilities?
As they are not medicines, the flowers can be taken by everyone, including babies, pregnant women, the elderly, etc. They have no adverse or side effects and there is no possibility of overdose. They are fully compatible with any treatment or therapy, both complementary and conventional medicine. In no case does Dr. Bach’s Flower Therapy replace the work of the doctor or other health professionals.
Do you have to be sick to take Bach Flowers?
No. All people have negative attitudes and feelings, which generate a certain energy that works against us and those around us. This fact constitutes in itself a conflict, a disharmony, which can later materialize in physical, emotional or mental pathology. By helping to correct this negative trend, we help prevent the development of diseases, while improving as individuals.